Thursday, November 22, 2012

On Thanksgiving

The meal is finished.  The games are played.  The kitchen is clean, and leftovers put away.  As we do each year, it's time to have everyone who is here help with my Thanksgiving post.  Happy Thanksgiving from our house to yours.  Team Lawson joins me in wishing you all the best.  We pray you will always have a grateful heart.  We pray you will find joy in the small things and fortitude in the difficult ones.  We pray the year ahead will bring you more joy than sorrow.  We pray that you will always have plenty of food on the table and friends to share it with.  We pray you will know how very much you are loved.  I am thankful for you. each one of my precious, bloggy friends.  

a list of gratitude
* a houseful of friends on Thanksgiving day * Sloane * art * plenty of food * games and laughter with friends * that the Patriots are totally schooling the Jets right now * my new Chi straightening iron * a whole new Freshman class that's fallen in love with the Enderverse * our sweet, sweet dogs and how gentle they were tonight with Grandma * swinging * cousins * Daddy's that paint their daughter's nails * Greg survived his first Black Friday * Picmonkey * 2 paid for cars * candles * the odd music on Michael Bain's podcasts * the way you can find anything on youtube * chalkboard signs * balloons * Everlost and Everwild * public libraries * Atlas Shrugged * books * Pinterest * my pretty home * vintage cameras that look like mini-sculptures * guns * candy * that lemon pie tonight * blogging * listening to audiobooks * collections of quotes * Adel's voice * makeup and hair design sketch portfolios * winning blog give-aways * America * fresh flowers * photoshoots * the chance to teach little kids at church * Etsy * my new purple purse * our dogs are getting calmer * our new coffee table * book clubs * big earrings * selling my first photo * Yo Yo Ma Plays Ennio Morricone * Toby Mac * Jaime Grace * the Newsboys * family game nights * a handwritten letter in the mail * all the pretties that I set my table with * yummy turkey * trees * Christmas is coming * Elf * fonts * It's a Wonderful Life * soldiers * Operation Christmas Child * poetry * thoughtful friends * Persephone * my parents and in-laws * music * obsessions * belly laughs * my Mom's turkey dinner * Chopped * passionate kisses * new books * new Sharpie markers * great reading conferences * good health * long walks * holding hands * laughter * old friends * the theater * reading * cards just because * compliments * learning the little quirks about your friends * Star Wars * Bond, James Bond * Chinese take out for supper * pedicures * golf * dogs * new friends * freedom * a job I love * the right to vote * my students * art museums * Norman Rockwell * a clean garage * Jeffrey, Jeffrey, Jeffrey! * Scholastic Book Clubs * Sloane's wonderful, thoughtful best friends * Chapstick when my lips hurt * lotion that soaks right in * a favorite song coming on the radio * veterans * a good night's sleep * family * God's word *

Happy Thanksgiving, friends.


Roban said...

This is a wonderful list, Relyn. And you sold a photograph?! Congratulations!!

Jeanne said...

Love your gratitude lists and always thankful for you sweet friend.
Love Jeanne

Amy said...

I always look forward to your combined list of gratitude! It warms my heart, and puts a smile on my face . . .

Happy Thanksgiving to you--may the celebration march on, right through the weekend!

Meri said...

I totally have to find you on Pinterest - I'll add "Parenthood", my daughter's cranberry sauce with orange zest that she learned to make in kindergarten, sweaters to layer over everything including nighties, popcorn, indie movies, Vicci Martinez's album, making and seeing art, BOOKS - BOOKS - BOOKS!

Debby said...

What a great list. Have a wonderful week-end.

Sandy K. said...

Wonderful list, but also wonderful tradition! I would love to borrow your idea, though I'll have to remember it for a full year:). I will add to your list, and Meri's - publishing my first book! Coming out in the next week or so! A project long in coming, and a delight to have finished!

S. Etole said...

What a fun list ... "fonts" ... one of my favorite.

gkgirl said...

love, love, love...
as always...


Marilyn Miller said...

Lovely list! And isn't it the little things that we are greatful for when it all comes down to writing them down, like Chapstick when my lips hurt - definitely true!

Jennifer Richardson said...

what a grand list!
my heart lifts and lightens
just to read it
(and i'm just itching to watch
It's a Wonderful Life
but i keep telling myself
not yet,
not yet
...don't know if i can hold out
much longer!

Lara Neves said...

Happy Thanksgiving! What a wonderful list. :)

Jenny Woolf said...

What a BEAUTIFUL tree. Is this photographed from your home, Relyn?

Relyn Lawson said...


I wish I had windows like that in my home. That was from a church at a wedding we recently attended.

Oldies, but Goodies