We have another birthday weekend in the works here at Team Lawson. Sloane turns seven tomorrow. She is feeling giddy-excited. I am feeling a myriad of emotions. My mind is swirling with the To Do Lists for all the celebrations, including a luau. My head is full of love and pride for the incredible little lady she is becoming. My heart aches for my baby. It always gets better; every year, every stage, every age. Each new milestone brings with it more joy. I have loved every year and enjoyed every single day.
As much as I love each new day, I long for the warm sleeping infant sounds. I long for the one-year-old-babble that sounded like nothing so much as Boo on Monsters, Inc. I long for the curly headed toddler who used bigger words than some grown ups. I long for the preschooler who was so proud to go to school for a half day. I miss the kindergartner who thought the books she could read were way to dull to bother with. I will miss the six year old who approaches every day as an adventure and believes that chapter books are really whole new worlds to explore.
I am so grateful that Sloane will carry all of those versions of herself on her journey into the future. And me? I will keep them safely wrapped up here in my heart. All these beautiful days with my wonderful girl. My most perfect gift from a Father who loves me.
Will I sit by her bed tonight and cry as I have every year on the night before her birthday? Of course I will.
I will also sneak gaily wrapped packages and balloons into her room for her to see when she first opens her eyes. I will smile and celebrate, hug and kiss, party and dance, take too many pictures and allow way too much cake. Life is good and birthdays are fabulous! And tears? They just affirm a heart full of love.
Happy birthday to my sweet, sweet girl.

A birthday cake drawn by Sloane. The original belongs to Tangobaby, for her birthday.
Love and hugs and many blessings
I a house with children.
Empty nest years are no fun to me at all.
Love Jeanne
I love the birthday celebrations you have in your family! November kids are a rather great crowd (I am, too!). I'm sending warm birthday wishes to you and Sloane on this day!
Know just how you feel Relyn, I am pretty much the same...and you know, I don't think it gets any easier as they get older...enjoy every moment and happy birthday to your special girl...Dzintra
I agree, an empty nest is no fun - continue to cherish every single moment with your precious one.
I agree, November babies are a great crowd - i'm one too.
Celebrate in a fabulous way with your sweet girl and take lots of photos!
Dear Relyn,
I'm not certain how I've 'found' you... it could be by way of linni, or Robin (tweets), or any number of other gorgeous lovelies!!
I'm stopping to say hello, to wish your beautiful baby a happy birthday, and to say that this post alone would be a wonderful thing to 'gift' her with :)
Also, thank you so very much for leading me to 'do not leave unattended!' I happily await a composition book too, and it is something I have never done before either, so you dear heart are not alone!
Your blog is beautiful, your essence permeates all over the place, and that is a sign of a beautiful blog indeed... thank you for the virtual hug and the warm welcome, and have a glorious Sunday!
xoxo... joan
Happy birthday to your dear Sloane! You sound like such a great mommy. Savor each of these moments because they fly by ever so quickly and there's no "rewind" button. :^)
I love who my children have turned into and wouldn't trade that for the world....but oh, how I miss those baby days, too !!!!...especially the smells !!!
Seven is very definitely a magic number! Happy happy birthday Sloane! Did you draw that beautiful picture?
Oh, happy, happy birthday to Sloane. Lots of November babies around - I know someone who celebrated #5 on the 9th, someone else who celebrated 50-something on the same day, mine was the 8th, and more to come starting on the 12th through the end of the month.
I'm sure she had a wonderful day!
:) Debi
How lovely...another year and more milestones. I love birthdays (and eating cake:)
Dear Sloane,
Happy Birthday. Your best gift, of course, is your wonderful Mum. You are so lucky to have her, and she you.
I loved running into Jeffrey and Sloane the other day! The birthday party sounded absolutely perfect! Miss you on my hall so much!!!
Happy Birthday, Sloane! I hope that lots of birthday cake and presents filled your day and you have a super fun year ahead. Seven is a very big birthday!
how was it?
I know it was full of fun and frolic because you are the mom of all moms!
lots of yummy cake and happy wishes for the big girl!
Happy Birthday to Sloan! Indeed. ; )
Happy Birthday!!!
sorry this is so belated {i've been quite distracted lately with baby things} but i still wanted to wish sloane a very happy birthday and a fantastic year of seven filled with many wonderful discoveries and blissful achievements. xo!
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