* home * high school librarians * hugs * heebie-jeebies * harlequin patterns * hurricane lanterns * homonyms * hearts * heat * happiness * hyacinths * hopefulness in the face of adversity * hands* His Girl Friday * hymn books * honeybees * handwriting * hot, fresh, homemade bread * hollow trees * Humpty Dumpty * haute couture * human kindness * hooey, by the bunch * hacky sack * Hailey's comet * hopscotch * history * hamburgers * Harper Lee, author * house-broken puppies * half dollars * humor * Hattie Big Sky * horses * haberdashery * hemp fabric * Hallmark commercials * hysterical laughter * holding hands * hammocks * hula hoops * hamlets * hellos * hues * hang gliding * handlebar mustaches * hot water at the turn of the tap * high heeled shoes * heroes * hoot owls * harmonicas * horehound candy * hats * "Happy Birthday to You" * haystacks painted by Monet * heartthrobs * heather grey * hope is a thing with feathers * helicopter pilots * hedgehogs * heirlooms * herringbone and houndstooth * Helene Hanff, author * heydays * hickory trees * halibut steaks * Hubble Space Telescope * hinges * hissy-fits * high tide * Hobbits * hallways * hollyhocks * humpback whales * hippopotamus * homesteaders * home-grown tomatoes *
Don't you just love the alphabet?

To see more work from these excellent photographers, click the individual links. H by Eva the Weaver. Hat by Tangobaby. Handwriting by ddsiple. Harmonica by Bud Green. To find out more about the Alphabetica project, see the sidebar. To see the entire project so far, click on the Alphabetica label at the end of this post.
Thank you for using my hat! I am flattered.
Hands down favorite h-word is hamachi. I'm hungry just thinking about it. yummmmm.
And horchata. Why are all my h-words coming up as something to ingest? Silly me.
I love how you make me love the alphabet!
Heather & Honey! You always inspire!
Another lovely list.
This time, my favourite is helicopter pilots...just because I love the word helicopter so much!
There are just too many good ones to list here :)
"H" is for happy which is how I feel when I read your alphabet posts! And home-grown tomatoes!!!! Yum, possibly my favorite "H" thing right now!
Yay! Hacky sack!! Hollyhocks!! Hungry hungry hippos:)
And don't forget Hallelujah! and Hot chocolate! Those two can go together, too. :)
PS: I'm glad you cleared up the pronounciation of your name. I've been calling you "RAY-LIN". Oops!
Relyn, these alphabet lists are a day brightener for sure! I'll have to stop at H today and save the preceding seven letters for times when I need a special treat. Extra big thumbs up to His Girl Friday, hemp fabric (and twine -- that stuff has held up my mailbox for seven years now!), hoot owls, hedgehogs and hollyhocks. And up with hilarity!
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