Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Just Call Me Thelma

The bags are packed, a picnic menu is planned, directions have been printed, wardrobe consultations have been conducted, a loose schedule has been established. Now, where did I put my darn scarf? Scratch that. Louise wore the scarf anyway.

I'm off to Oregon. Louise and I will be hitting the road Thursday morning headed for San Francisco. We're meeting up with another dynamic duo for Blog Camp, the SF version. I'll be checking in here from time to time. I hope to update you with some of our adventures.
We won't end quite like this. I promise.

All images from the movie Thelma and Louise.


Tracy said...

Hi, Reyln! Have a wonderful trip! But please to do a Thelma & Louise--please, we'd miss you too much! :o)

Jessica said...

Whenever my mother and I go on road trips we call it a Thelma and Lousie trip. I always claim Louise, but our adventures are never as crazy. Have a wonderful trip, I can't wait to hear about it on the other side!

Jeanne said...

Have a great trip.
Safe travels.
Love Jeanne♥

Patti said...

How fun!!! Keep us posted on your adventure~ Be safe and enjoy~

Joanne said...

Sounds like a whole latte fun! Have a great trip!

beth said...

I'm sooooo jealous !
have a blast and fill us all in when you get back !

Dutchbaby said...

Will you be bringing Brad Pitt along also? Hurry up and get over here; I can't wait to meet you both!

Drive carefully!

Delena said...

Have fun. I hope you take lots of pictures and keep us posted. Enjoy reading your blog!

Kirsten Steen said...

Whoo Hoo!!! Have a most fabulous time on your trip! Love that movie! Be careful and send lots of pics!

Anonymous said...

enjoy! hope to see lots of pictures when you return.

Anonymous said...

Have a blast Relyn!!

Gigi Thibodeau said...

Have a fabulous trip! Looking forward to hearing all about it when you come back!

tangobaby said...

We're rolling out the San Francisco Red Carpet for you (well, maybe it's rainbow colored, ha ha) and CAN'T wait to meet you! Safe travels!!


spudballoo said...

Have fun! Safe travels....don't forget us! x

robin bird said...

Oh God do i look good or what??!! I am ready to roll girls :)

Mrs. E said...

This was adorable, Thelma! Have a great time. (Leave the gun at home!)

Jeanie said...

Been traveling and catching up but this sounds great!

Meri said...

Is Brad coming along? That was Brad, wasn't it, with Thelma and Louise?

marjean said...

Have a great trip...hands on wheel...eyes on road...not sexy joggers!

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

Have a super trip...scarf and all!

ELK said...

travel and play safely you girls!

Dandy said...

I love road trips! Have a fantastic time. No robbing liquor stores please :)

Marilyn Miller said...

Have a wonderful adventure and please "no" don't end up like the last picture. I look forward to hearing all about your trip out west.

Char said...

happy travels and a safe trip - you know, they didn't come back from their trip, let's make sure you make it home safe and sound.

Deanna Bland Hiott PhD, MSN, RN said...

I'm on my way!!! :)

spread your wings said...

oh you lucky lucky thing you. have a fantastic!! time. i know you will. can't wait to hear all about it.

Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful trip!!!!

Amanda at 32˙North said...

Happy 4th! -- almost five days later :)

I can't wait for pictures from your adventures. Happy trails!

A Cuban In London said...

You read my mind with that last sentence. I was going to write 'don't drive off the cliff, please'.

Have fun.

Greetings from London.

PS: Your word verification is 'monta'. That's imperative in Spanish for 'climb'. Go figure.

margie said...

as my louise always says to me, have a safety trip.

~ ennui ~ said...

Have a wonderful time ♥

Elizabeth Halt said...

can't wait to hear all about it!

I did love that movie :)

meandering pearl said...

Go Thelma!!! :)

such wishes of loveliness

Gill said...

Oh you are meeting Tango!!! Have the best time and hugs for both of you.

Jac said...

Hey Relyn, your trip sounds pretty cool - glad to hear you're not planning the same ending! Have a wonderful time, (hopefully not quite as exciting as the trip Thelma and Louise had - even without the ending!)

Joan said...

How positively marvelous... a road trip and any number of adventures.
Be safe, be happy, and be sure to fill us all in when you return!!
You'll be missed!

Gayle said...

You must be on the road now. Have fun! No crashing or going off cliffs!

My Castle in Spain said...

oh that's fantastic !!
have lots of fun Relyn...oh i'm sure you will!

Suvarna said...

I'm sooooo excited for you all, hair blowing in the breeze top down, blue sky excited! Have a great time!

SE'LAH... said...

So much excitement over here. I have missed you but always pleased when I visit.

Oldies, but Goodies