I woke up this morning feeling bad, sad, and thoroughly unlikeable. Do you ever have mornings like that? I do. And, oh - I hate them. What a colossal waste of time to sit around and feel sorry for myself. Silly, too.
I was trying to shake off the gloomies since I have 20 little ones who count on me to make their day, to at least set it's tone. I decided to do a little self medicating. First, we danced. I said we, yes. My class, we all danced. I told them I was sad and needed to dance. They were all for it. Feeling better already.
Then, on a break, I went to visit a friend. Turns out, she's feeling the same way I am. But with a better attitude about it. Well, that helped. So, I went to visit another friend. And received the most marvelous gift: appreciation and the encouragement that brings. Robin pointed me here. As I began to read, song three filled the room around me. (Go now. Listen to song 3.)
Sigh. BIG SIGH! I feel better. Thanks, friends. Thank you so much.

Yes, I do have mornings like that...and afternoons and evenings too! It's great to share those times and lift each other up through our words! Aren't these online connections wonderful?!
And I would have loved it if one of my babies had a teacher like you!
Dancing! The perfect antidote the the Blue Tuesdays. I'm so glad that you found just what you needed among blog friends. I find this so often, too. What a gift.
By the way, you know that you are one of the brightest stars in my sky, don't you?
xo Gigi
Dancing with little feet is the greatest idea! How can you help but be unhappy in that environment. I think I need to find me some little feet to do a happy dance. I have been there with you, my friend. Sadness fills my soul too much lately. And this song, What A Wonderful World. That is my husband's favorite song and makes me smile. Thank you.
I am now following Robin Bird and will check out the others you suggest. But the best way for me to be happy is helping another. I have a Blessed Bucks challenge on my site right now and I encourage you and your readers to come and play along. I did it last year and it made me feel so good...I hope it inspires others.
Enjoy the day, Relyn!
Relyn, I am glad your day turned around a bit. don't worry about trying to fit in. but I know that is easier said than done. You are so special my friend...remember diamonds don't fit in with rocks,,,and you are the diamond...loved by 20 little children, many blog friends.....wishing you a better day ahead. take care.
thank you, thank you and thank you! for the dancing, the links, the song.... xox
glad you're feeling better now.
Relyn, you are so adorable and so HONEST- we ALL have those mornings! Aren't children so game for anything to lift the spirits? Dancing around on a Tuesday morning is pretty adorable.
Thinking of you, sending positive thoughts, and lots of love. xoxo!
I think we all have those days. I try to remember that those moments will pass and I get very busy!
I LOVE that you took action to DANCE yourself out of the muck. I know personally how hard that is to do sometimes. Good job and you taught your kid-o's a valuable lesson too. Hope you awake tomorrow with GREAT JOY!!
"Keep Dancin'"!
I really needed this! I usually don't let work get to me but we'e been hit hard with recession (and plain bad mgmt) and my work days are full of anxiety.
I needed the pick me up!
I'm so glad you got to dance.... Isn't that the best medicine around? And visiting friends is always a mood-lifter.... Take care.
i do have mornings like that. how great that you got to dance. i like that you admitted your "need" to your students and that they helped you "shake it out".
You're in perfect company with of all of because we've all been there. I love how you moved through your gloomies and found the sun again. I'm going to take your advice next time and find some place to dance!
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
So glad to know I'm not the only one! I'm blaming my funk on the weather---and about a zillion other things!!
thanks for the dance ... the participation
Sometimes blogging is all it take to lift my spirit and calm my doubts.
Oh dear, oh dear! You've cheered me up in past so the least I can do is return the favor. A couple of weeks ago one of my blogger friends posted this:
and here's the comment I left her:
"Here's something that's meant to cheer you up. The video does not match the audio at all so just pretend you're listening to the radio.
Here's hoping that you're feeling better soon."
She did laugh; could it work again?
Wish more teachers were like you. I bet the dancing was great for all. I dancing with you.
one love.
hugs to you, my friend. dancing always help. maybe i should do that in my workshop this morning. put on some music and get everyone dancing!
count me in I have been having bad luck with my health since the beginning of this year and yes I felt the same way this morning...
hang in there RELYN, I am so happy you danced.... maybe tomorrow morning that is how I will start my day in the shower... dancing.
Take care,
dancing and friends a lovely thought and a special pick me up!!
so glad you're feeling better. hope it keeps getting that way.
Thanks for sharing your down feelings with us today. I have been down and sad lately, but think it is just because I am not creating and playing. I need to dance. Taxes can get a person down, I will be glad when I am finished.
Hey Relyn :-)
I'm so sorry you had the blues yesterday, do hope you're feeling brighter...
I absolutely reading about how you and your class danced away to Mr Franti (can't beat it - we're all big Franti fans at the bookshop where I work, and he's often played to chase the clouds away...)
I thought I'd share these little videos with you - whenever I feel low, they always help to make my day a little sunnier... :o)
(this last one is very silly, but Eric and Ern make me very happy indeed) http://www.youtube.com/watch#playnext=1&playnext_from=TL&videos=g5OMoRFSZhc&v=U817vt5Br44
Wishing you a beautiful Wednesday!
Biiiig hugs x :o)
A good tune, and shaking the booty...always a good "cure" for what ails... ;o) I've got a touch of the winter blues this week...for it is snowing--again...*sigh*...Let's dance an Ode to Spring, shall we? :o) ((HUGS))
Soon there will be a spring in my step.............and yours too.
Love you and all you share.
You are a bright beautiful shining star.
Love Jeanne♥
Oh, I love that you asked the kids to dance! I'm sure they were more than happy to oblige! Dancing always makes things better...
Dutchbaby and Cate,
Thank you for the links. I got a kick out of them while I ate my lunch today. Laughter is always the best medicine. Laughter and dance. Better if you can do both at once.
I LOVE the dancing idea, Relyn...
...sorry you were feelin' down, Girlfriend...and it wasn't "silly", just means your heart works <3 ...and what a lovely heart it is.....Glad it's feeling better
: )
your friend,
Relyn, if you didn't feel better before with so many lovelies msging you here how could you possibly stay blue. Dancing a great idea and I loved the song be happy don't worry girl it looks like everyone loves ya heaps.
I've felt like that all week..and for the first time I'm sort of feeling like I'm coming out of this funk of mine. Thank you, from the bottom of my gloomy, gray, snowy, cold-outside heart.
I've been getting some blue days lately too. Too many dear people that have left their mark on my life and have passed from this one to the next have February birthdays. Miss them all. So I'm blogging away, reading away, trying to remember them without missing them so.
It's always such a pleasure to visit here with you. It calms me and reminds me to breathe. And for that I'm grateful.
What a wonderful plan of attack on your gloomies! You are simply wonderful - I admire your resolve to "be happy."
Ok now I can't get the smile off my face. Laughed out loud picturing you asking the kids to dance and them going along whole hog. The song got me dancing. Thanks.
You're welcome! I think your self-medication is perhaps the best medicine of all!
I am sorry you felt like that but I am glad you found ways to shake those feelings! This time a year really an get one down, can't it?! We always have to be so "up" in front of the class so that is sometimes a blessing, sometmes not- depending on what's going on. But again- glad you found your "happy" Take care Friend, take care!
Sigh, yes, I've had days like that, too. But you know, when I read the first line my immediate thought was, WHAT??! because YOU are so incredibly sweet and so funny and absolutely likable, Relyn! YOU are one of my favourite bloggers, too. Your posts always lift my spirits and your emails and comments often have me cracking up laughing.
And I love the idea of you dancing with your students. Did you dance to that particular song? FUN! Your students must adore you!
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