We're in the middle of our first week of school. The kids came back on Monday. My feet hurt, I'm tired, and I am absolutely loving it! Be back with words later. Have a blessed Wednesday, friends.

August Break, day 10. Photo: Another view from the photoshoot. Thank you all for your encouragement.
oh, i just wish i knew what this sweetie was pondering upon. lol!
Lovely, touching portrait, my friend. Very Happy Wednesday to you, too! xo
Back to normal? Enjoy what the new year brings. Never dull, is better that same-oh-same-0h!
Well each day that the kids are at school its one more day closer to completion. I know for one I am looking forward to the fall and winter.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
I want to know all about the first week of school. I'll be watching for "your words".
I love your enthusiasm for teaching! I bet you're a bright spot in the lives of a lot of your students.
Your photography is gorgeous, by the way. I'm loving my visits here.
glad your first week back is going well. i know you have lots of exciting things in store for those lucky children in your class.
that is a sweet, solemn little face. good luck with the new year!
I love this one even more! What a beautiful pair. And a great shot! Thanks again for sharing!
Happy Back to School!
Love to you,Relyn.
What a sweet picture! School has started back for us too, and I love being back in the swing of things. Hope all goes well!
Have a good week :) Rest when you can...
I read this without my glasses and thought it said Solomon
same thing I guess :)
enjoy your new schoolyear
love this shot! what a sweet little face...have a great week!
I sooo want to be in your class!
aaawww... look at those cheeks!! Very sweet photos... Glad you're having a great week, Relyn... Soak those feet at the weekend. ;o) ((HUGS))
That dubious look on his face ... I LOVE it! :)
He's wondering when it will be lunchtime! Don't work too hard, Relyn!
Beautiful Relyn! What a glorious picture to have to look back on in years to come! 2 more days till the weekend...hang in there! Glad your week is going well!
What a beautiful photo. We don't look through the eyes of children often enough.
Hey girl this is Hannah ..you know insport i was looking for you on facebook just found you online was trying to find a email address .
welcome back to school! may it be a wonderful and inspiring year!
and you know what? i am also taking part in august break!
this is a gorgeous shot relyn- i love it!
I'm closing my eyes
and imagining the smell of a fresh
box of crayolas,
and the feel of a new book bag leaning up against my new sneakers.
(purple ones).
And in walks the teacher.
And she is you!
And your lilting voice,
your gentle spirit
fill the room like sunshine
and I'm safe and loved at school again.
And it's good. It's all good:)
My heart sings for the kids in your class!
What a legacy you're building.
Teachers are my heros.
Cheering you on,
I'm glad you're having a great beginning!
I just know that you would be the teacher everyone wants to have!
That kid looks skeptical - as if he's checking something out that doesn't seem quite right to him. Perhaps a budding young scientist? :)
I love how your photos have a lot of life and character in them.
This picture made me smile.
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