... given me the clearest form of identity I've ever had. I am now a person who draws; they can carve that on my headstone. Next to being a husband and a dad, it is the thing I am most.And so I wonder. What is the thing I am most? I wonder...
There are so many things that we all are. We are wives, mothers, aunts, sisters... and the list goes on. I'm struck by the fact that we often define ourselves by our relationships. And that is a beautiful thing. Beautiful. It's our relationships that give the beauty, the joy, the character to our lives.
But, that's not all there is to any of our lives. And so I wonder. What is the thing you are most? If you had to define yourself in three words or less, what would your words be? Could you do it using words that didn't describe relationships?
On the back of my Moo cards I put
dreamer, writer, photographer.
What would you put?

wow ..first what a stunning capture of nature!! i am thinking so hard..
I'll be back ...thinking :)
I would say dreamer for sure, and photographer/writer (in training wheels)?
I love that you pointed out, how we define who we are, by our relationships. So true, thank you Relyn.
dreamer, artist, believer
knowledge seeker...
That is an extremely difficult assignment, Teacher! ;)
I guess I'd have to say...
dreamer, writer, lover
And I say lover as in 'lover of many things'. I tend to be passionate about things, whatever they may be. My feelings are seldom 'middle of the road'. ;)
I guess I would have to say, artist, singer, painter! We are many things in our lives, but the most important thing that I can think of that I want to be is a Christian. I love you, my dear niece. You are very thought provoking and so very talented.
herm, let see....
dreamer n observer? ;)
This is so difficult because I really do define myself by my relationships (which are so important to me). But beyond that, it would have to be 'optimist, reader and watcher' (not of TV, but people, life and nature).
That was a really interesting exercise, thank you.
What a compelling question.
I think I'd have to say
I'm a gardener.
That encompasses so many
of my "whys".
It covers my relationships
and my art and writing
and believing and,
well, everything.
A gardener with a garden
to tend.
Hmmmm.....thanks for this
question! I'm heading into
my day with it inside me
like warm oatmeal with
butter and blueberries:)
dreamer, writer, photographer ... I love it!
finder, maker, wanderer
Oh you got me thinking early in the morning! For myself I will say healer, cook, documenter...(is that a word?)
Mine is two words: Wandering wonderer - nature is just so beautiful. And oh, I love your doggie in the previous post.
i hope to be remembered as....
of course only after the obvious ones that you already metioned....lover,wife, mother, sister, aunt, daughter, niece and friend.....
and even that list is too short.....there are so many "things" that make us, us. it's amazing isn't it ? all the titles we wear ?
I am one to spread kindness and joy whenever and wherever I can and work with God in His way He wants me to live.
I am a Mother a wife, a sensitive soul and I am told a friend to many both of human spirit and of the animal kingdom.
I love this post.
Great food for thought
I am first and foremost a passionate soul.
Then, all the other stuff that enriches my life.
Interesting challenge. After some thought I'd go with:
speaker, leader, servant
Well, having just spent quite a while thinking, I guess I'd have to consider myself "undecided"!
Relyn, first I want to say that image is stunning! I really love this post. It's so true. I guess daughter is my defining relationship definition today as it's what's would've been my dad's birthday today and he is always on my mind. I do love the descriptive words you use on your cards. I will need to think about those!
Hope you're having a wonderful week!
xoxo Mary Jo
I'd have to say I am a servant, mother and believer. (=
Hi Relyn. I love Danny Gregory! I was so pleased when I discovered his books. I am not sure what I would write to describe myself. It is one to ponder on! Thanks for your visits earlier.
that's one I need to ponder awhile.
Hmmm...that's a good question...just three words, huh? Well, tonight I would describe myself as an artist, photographer, explorer. Coffee-addict would come in a close fourth place. ;p
Artist is difficult for me to say, but it needs saying.
Thanks for this very thought provoking question.
Coincidentally, I was just reading Barbara Sher's Wishcrafting and in part of it, she asks us to think about what we would say in response to, "Who do you think you are?" (if it were asked lovingly and curiously). I've been thinking about that - and your question seems similar.
The thought I had was dreamer, photo-taker, teller of stories.
Oh my, this is so thought provoking! I love what you put on your moo cards. Well chosen, my dear. A beautiful message to the universe as you spread your wings!
A very interesting thought, Relyn.
I would have to say that I am a seeker, writer and believer.
Good Morning Relyn Sweetie...
I am Sherry @ Country Wings in Phoenix, and your precious Aunt Rita sent me by to meet you. What a beautiful blog home and I beautiful share today as well.
You ask a beautiful question. As I was stricken this past May with a serious illness that landed me in the hospital for 10 days, and has left me with not much of a voice, and a diagnosis of Spasmodic Dysphonia, I can proudly say that I am Me. I have an unusual voice now and no I don't sound the same, but I am still ME. A Wife, Daughter, Sister, Mom, Grammy and just plain ME.
Please stop by sometime and say hi. I would so love to have you visit. Many hugs and much love, Sherry
LOVE your photos... *sigh*... and your "assignment", Relyn! I am an Artist, Yogini, and Lover But I am more...more in the making, doing, evolving and be-ing. :o) Ask us this question again in a year's time maybe? And you always ask the best questions! Wonderful post... Happy Weekend, my friend ((HUGS))
loving,caring, laughing.....I think that would be the words....take care. loved the photo.
Oh, what a beatiful post! The best I have read in a while. What an interesting question, I've never thought about it much before, but now you ask it, I can't understad why I havent. I'd say... homemaker, creator, thinker, photographer, optimist. There are so many! What a wonderful space you have here.
maker, nester, explorer (nester may not be an actual work, but hopefully, you get the idea)
This post is so you from the stunning absolutely gorgeous photo to the quoted words! No wonder people such as myself flock to your blog to see what you'll do next. Love you, kt
This is a hard one...my gut reaction was "mother"...it is what I am most, even though my kids are grown (sure they are)! My next thought was "friend" and of course that is also a relationship. So...
nurturer, problem-solver, writer
I sound a little boring, maybe I should work on this one!
i am going to answer this...
i just need a little more time to think about it...
I've been thinking about this ... and I still don't know. I can easily give you a long list of adjectives, but nouns are more definite somehow.
.. I'll have to think some more ... hey, maybe I'm a thinker ;)
Love this post Relyn- you come up with such good ideas... I so agree and I feel badly for some of my friends who have lost their identity along the way. I am a dreamer, a creativist (don't know if that's a word but I am using it anyway), and a poet (I am finally admitting that I am!!! whoo hoo!)
Wow, I am going to have to think about that one.
In the meantime, I need to order some more moo cards...thank you for the reminder.
(aren't they a great company? I love them!)
i am a truthteller, a questioner, a see-er.
:) Debi
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