If you know me at all, you know that I cry at the drop of a hat. I cry at fireworks, every time Sloane cries, when I sing the National Anthem... Once, I even cried at a beauty pageant. I'm just a crier. Life is so good and my heart gets so full. It just bubbles out in tears. You know?
Sloane and I just got back from voting. Afterward, I looked at her, smiled, and started crying. I told her the same thing I always tell her after we vote. "We just did our most important duty as citizens. Never, ever miss the opportunity to vote."
Happy election day, my friends. I hope you voted.

This adorable picture of Sloane is from crazy hair day. Cute, hunh?
For the first time, I actually didn't vote. We aren't home and we had to vote early. I live in Illinois...I couldn't make myself vote for either of our choices in our main elections. That has never happened to me before and I hate it, but I really couldn't pick candidates. I also hate to watch the news and see how it ended up.
Your child has a great teacher!
I did vote. I had to hurry back from my Mom's from out of town to vote, but I did. I cry as well over really silly things. I don't cry when most people do. The airport is a killer for me. Love the colored hair. I would love to do that to mine, hah.
Love and hugs
Be the change you want to see in this world.
Love Jeanne♥
I love her patriot hair! Yes, I voted, absolutely. I admit I didn't cry but I do get a huge sense of pride that so many people actually do care and do get out to vote. Imagine that 100 years ago, Relyn, you and I would not have been allowed to vote. No matter what the issues, candidates or disagreements, I never take that right for granted. xo – g
First of all, your daughter looks adorable! Second, I understand the crying; I cried in The Hall of the Presidents at Disney World. It's good to be patriotic.
xo Erin
We voted, as we always do! Relyn, if we were friends in real life there would be a lot of crying going on. I cry at those things, too. (Not beauty pageants so far!)
her hair...her glasses....
OMG.....i could just eat her up !....how precious is that child of yours !!!
I voted
you are a good mom
Oh my- I read the first person's comment and ....I felt the SAME way! I guess it's an ILLINOIS thing- worse and worse- who to pick? Anyway- loved your post- I cry too- by association I tell people. I don't even have to be in the situation to cry- I just do- so I totally get that about you. Can Sloane get any cuter???!
Miss Sloane is sporting the BEST hair and glasses EVER! What a beauty she is. And love those sun sparkles (my word for freckles ;o) I'm a cryer too--big things, little things, everyday things--everything is tear-worthy...*sigh*... Happy Day ((HUGS))
That is a great lesson to tech your daughter and I VOTE YES ON THE HAIR!
your daugther looks absolutely adorable.
i never used to cry - before having a child. now i cry. i definitely cry when i sing the National Anthem.
I cry, even when I laugh! Well, my eyes water anyway.
Don't you wish we adults could have this much fun with colour in our hair on a daily basis and not be looked at strangely?
Oh, I did ... it always makes me smile to hear my name and "has voted."
I'm surprised it doesn't bring a tear. I am, after all, the one who cried watching Die Hard. Sigh.
A friend once said to me "Crying is like breathing for you" and, I think, you too.
Explaining certain experiences (like voting) to our children changes us and the experience. We feel it and understand it more intensely, want them to feel it too.
Sloan has an amazing mother.
Number 1 Glitter Girl is looking FABULOUS! I have serious glasses envy! I'm a crier too. Among many things, children's choirs always start me blubbing. I think it's great that voting touches you so much. My Great-Grandmother was a suffragette & I always think of her when I vote.
I can SOOOOO relate, Relyn.
I am a cryer, too.
Unnervingly, I cried AT the polls.
I got to vote for a woman
who was in girl scouts
and church choir with me
growing up.
We fought alot; I thought her bossy.
Voted her in as a judge.
Very funny, sweet, emotional moment.
Oh I love your heart that
holds and sees so much,
Good morning, Relyn... I'm the same way. I just got married in Sept & I'm making a little movie for my blog... good grief... I start looking at the pics, feeling what I felt in that moment, then my eyes well up, I get a lump in my throat & down the tears fall. Call it hormones... call it whatever you want. I just think people like us are special. We feel deeply, love completely and cry freely. Holy crap... I think I just wrote a little song there! LOL
Lovely blog, dear one. I'm enjoying your playlist, too. XXOO Lille
Oh Wow...how grown up is Sloane getting!!!
I did my duty! I cannot get over how much Sloane looks like Jackie when she was young. Can't wait to see you!
Voted! And love what you're teaching your daughter. She'll always remember your words (and actions). Was a powerful email going around about what some of those suffragettes were subjected to in jail for picketing for the right to vote way back when. Incredible! And thanks to them...
~Have yourself a lovely week!
Oh my!!! I can see the woman she is going to be starting to show up. She is FABULOUS!!!!! I voted and I must tell you, I was raised like Sloane - by parents who taught me the importance of voting, what it meant, taught me to pay attention, to question, to read. To never take it for granted. When I vote, I feel them beside me. Sloane will always remember.
good mom! I feel the same way and oh my look at her ..she is so very lovely ..I had freckles like that (did not like them much then) what a great photo!!
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