I've been reading a book called Prudent Advice: Lessons For My Baby Daughter by Jaime Morrison Curtis. Though I don't agree with every bit of advice, I've enjoyed reading it and was inspired to write a list of my own for Sloane.
Advice for My Daughter
- Wear sunscreen. Every day. Not kidding.
- Sing. Sing every single day. Out loud. And not just in the shower.
- Never call someone at home before 8:00 am or after 9:00 pm.
- Send a condolence card immediately. Then, mark your calendar and send one about about 4 months later. They will need to know that friends haven't forgotten their loss and pain.
- Remember, love never divides. It always multiplies.
- Be kinder than you have to be.
- Drink water. Lots and lots and LOTS of it.
- Flip flops belong only at the pool or beach. I don't care what your friends are doing - flip flops are not real shoes and make your feet filthy.
- Be a truth teller. Always. It is never, ever appropriate to lie. No one can trust a liar.
- Always have something nice to say. Ugly babies are still precious. Terrible outfits might be in a gorgeous color. Mawkish speeches are usually heartfelt. You can always find something nice to say.
- Make eye contact and speak up clearly. I can't overstate the importance of this basic courtesy.
- Speak when you are spoken to, and always do it with a smile.
- Read and think about poetry. This might be difficult, but it is good for both your mind and heart. Poetry can teach you how to live. Langston Hughes, Billy Collins, Pablo Neruda, and Shel Silverstein are all good places to start.
- Listen first, don't assume that you know anything.
- Do your best to always look your best. Remember what my dance teacher told me in college - your appearance is a gift to those who see you.
- Wear yellow, red, or hot pink on a rainy day. It will cheer you and everyone around you.
- There is only one proper response to a compliment: smile and say, "Thank you."
- Keep a journal. This is also good for both your mind and heart.
- Give compliments freely and generously, but only sincerely.
- Laugh. Laugh. Laugh. Laugh some more. A day without laughter is a sad, sad day.
- Always give your employer more than they pay you for.
- Manage your money, enjoy it, but don't get caught in the pursuit of it.
- Read for pleasure, read to learn, read to make your world so much bigger, richer, and brighter. Read every day.
- Compliment the people you love to others.
- Get enough sleep. You will be happier, prettier, and in general, less irritable.
- Put your shoes away as soon as you take them off.
- Never say a negative word about your spouse. Ever.
- Work hard, play hard, rest enough.
- Take pleasure in the little things. It makes life so much happier.
- Live on a budget! This will set you free. It truly will.
- Explore music. Listen to more than what's currently popular. Go beyond it; far beyond it.
- Defend the weak, include those who are left out, love the unlovable. This is Christ's work in you.

love these wise words...they are things i would like to tell my daughters too. thank you friend!
Send hand-written Thank You notes...even to grandma.
Don't take yourself too seriously.
Never lie
Read, read, read. Anything. Even comic books will increase your vocabulary.
Whistle when you do housework....makes it go faster.
It matters not who you love or how you love. What matters is that you love, and love deeply and honestly.
"Listen to your mother; she's the best."
Those are words all of us should live by. Your daughter has a very wise mother. :)
Fantastic words, particularly about always having something nice to say. I agree with ALL of this advice, and I'm sure that beautiful Sloane, with such a wise mother, will walk a happy path in life.
Love you
Love you advise
What a wonderful list! I am making a copy for my girls and myself! I like the idea of wearing something bright on a gloomy day. I wish I would have read this before I left for work today ;). Thanks for visiting after Christmas. I appreciate your blog very much and your comments. Have a wonderful 2011.
ooo #5 is one that is difficult when it comes to first love...and it will come up....love is a thing that you show not tell mostly
glad mine are now happily married
but this was a fantastic list
and real love does multiply
What a wonderful mom you are - a wonderful list. Even the flipflop part and the putting your shoes away part, though I would fail at both those things. :)
Happy New Year - we are almost there!!
I'm taking this list, this love, and holding it close in the new year! It's bound to be a good year.
Best wishes to you and Sloan for a magical year ahead!
Such a TERRIFIC list, Relyn! These are excellent guidelines for Sloane for all stages of her life. Wearing the heart on the sleeve might be one to add... putting love out there is always a good thing. :o) Hope you all are enjoying some lovely days just now. And now tomorrow we celebrate the New Year already... May 2011 bring you all much PEACE, LOVE & JOY!! ((HUGS))
I wouldn't add but a thing except this humble offering:
To thine own self be true.
Your list is brilliant and wonderful and I'm linking you so I can share this with those who read at my place.
Thank you for dropping in on Christmas Eve with your caring and your love and your heartfelt wishes-it made me smile from ear to ear. You are such a unique soul, thanks for being YOU.
Have a Happy 2011, may it bring all the things you seek and more.
Gillian :)
these are excellent - i know she will treasure these.
i would add - indulge whimsy, it will keep you young.
forgive often, even when you're right.
loyalty counts.
Oh Relyn, this is so beautiful! You sound so much like my mom in so many of these little pieces of advice. I think my favorite is the condolence card one... how thoughtful and wonderful. I am going to try that. Thank you so much for this post! It truly touched me.
I hope you and yours have a wonderful New Year's.
Oh, I could kiss those sweet cheeks. I'm so sorry I wasn't able to see you guys this Fall. Your comment that love never divides, but multiplies made me think of all the love you have shared with me through the years and sharing your daughter too! I love you!
I so agree with you on these words.There is so much wisdom here. Sloane is such a beauty like her mom. Relyn,I just want you to know that you are joy in my life and coming here always brightens my dad. You are such a sweet soul and I am glad to call you friend. I hope that the coming year is the best year ever.
Well said, there is so much to learn about life and helps to be reminded of the basic rules that do make a difference.
Quite a beautiful list of advice. One thing that crossed my mind is to never use the expression "killing time" - time is precious, and even if you're bored stiff waiting on a long line somewhere you can use the time to plan things out or think beautiful/interesting/creative thoughts :)
Now, if you could just call my family and tell them about the "don't call before 8am" rule. I have to turn the ringer off at night to prevent being woken up. :)
Reyln, I don't think Sweet Sloane needs anything more than this to help her lead a wise, kind, and authentic life. You are an incredible mom and teacher.
These are beautiful, true words of wisdom for the human race...
Every single one of these is astounding and so right on target -- but especially this one:
# Send a condolence card immediately. Then, mark your calendar and send one about about 4 months later. They will need to know that friends haven't forgotten their loss and pain.
That means so much...
Well done Relyn! A good list for everyone, not just a young girl. Wishing you many many blessings in the coming year my friend!
Love you,
~ Katie
You covered so much so beautifully. The only thing I might add is - stand up straight. Diane
This is perfection! I will copy it and keep it for my daughters! Oh Relyn, you sweet soul, I am here to wish you a Happy New Year and to wish you happiness today and always.
Was chocolate mentioned? Every list must include chocolate somewhere...
PS: Thanks for the New Year's well wishes! Hope your holidays have been divine!
This is so sweet. I can only add one thing... and that's to play in the rain, especially when there's a ray of sun shining through.
You are such a wonderful mom, and Sloane is one lucky, and totally precious with those freckles of hers, young lady.
Hi! I saw your comment on my blog and wanted to thank you.
I hope 2011 is kind to you and your family. I'm sure it will be.
Thank you for coming my way today...
I would suggest to send thank you notes with mention of the gift received. I believe it helps cultivate gratitude and helps children be mindful of what they receive. I do it myself every time someone sends something, I always remember who gave the gift...
Peace, Love and Happiness in 2011!
"Learn to love without expectations."
"One can try and rise no matter how much one falls, as long as one doesn't fall in ones own eyes."
My two more to the list? I wish I could give this list to my unborn daughter...Dhwani.
Wish you and your family a Very very Happy New Year. Thanks for passing by. :)
I think this is a beautiful list. I too agree she has the very best Mama.
hugs, have a great New Years Eve.
That's a pretty good list! I would add 'the world will not fall off its axis if you don't get to give your opinion all the time'.
This is wonderful, Relyn! Thank you for the "tips" and "reminders" for the new year!
Happy Days to you and your family!
Thank you! Have a lovely New Year.
Dear Relyn, i can't find of anything to add on your wonderful and very wise list ! Sloane must be so proud of you ! Me too, I wish you a beautiful and Happy New Year, with lots of joy, love and peace...
A big hug to you
When times are difficult, pull the ones you love, and the ones that love you, closer.
And now we know some of what makes you such a wonderful you...
These are excellent, Relyn. Most all are for ME. Some of us, though we are getting older, still forget our mother's advice, so to have it repeated is important and necessary.
I love the picture of your daughter and loved the note you wrote on my post.
And a Happy New Year to you and yours.
Your friend.....
....how beautiful...your words...what a gift...and beautiful music to go wih it...
what a lovely way to spend new years eve morning....
happy new year, my friend
A fabulous list!
Let's see ... anything to add? Don't be afraid to set your own style ... never outgrow the need to dream ... and try, try, and try again {"failure" is merely a route change}
What a rich list to strive for. I think the key that it all begins with is
Get Enough Sleep
Wishing you the happiest of peaceful New Years in which the arts will thrive!
I love the list. Thanks for giving us some ideas.
Great list of advice for Sloane Relyn! Happy new year to you all! x
i couldn't love this list anymore if i tried. what a gift you are. what a gift sloane will be to the world because of you !
and that photo.....WOW !
Oh Sloan,
what a mommy
you've been given!
Beautiful advice.
Love, love, love.
Shiny new year to you, Relyn
....may this next jaunt
around the sun
be your sweetest adventure
with a side of happy surprises
and sprinkles on top:)
Beautiful post. I think you covered everything and I think Sloane is a very Blessed daughter to have you for a Mom. I would like to link to your post to share your words with some of my followers...
Ohhh I so loved this list!!!! Love it love it love it....such practical, sweet, inspiring advice :) Happy New Year Lady!
I think I'll print out this list and read it every day Relyn! What a great list; something we should all follow on a daily basis. These are simple, easy to do, don't cost anything ideas and a wonderful way to live your life. Thank you! And Happy New Year!!
Your list is perfect! What a treasure you have given her. She will be an amazing woman following this list. Thanks for sharing it.
Happy New Year!!
I write in journals and have just ended my 2010 journal with some Relyn Mama advice :) I wrote down five.. the words from your dance teacher, hot pink on a rainy day, putting my shoes away, drinking water and smiling and saying thankyou when someone says something nice to me :)
Big kisses xxx
Wow! Such a great list!
What a lovely list and have I told you how much I adore those freckles? Happy New Year, friend! xxoo
already passed this on to my girls.
darling photo of a precious girl.
thank you. xox
Love the condolence card one. My mom still talks about flowers she received a month after her mom died and that must have been over 25 years ago.
The flip flops made me laugh... around here we wear them everywhere, all year round. It's awful, I know :) Does being in a beach city count? :P
Ah beautiful Relyn- what a gift to SLoane! I think mine is..."don't be afraid to be yourself" and "remember birthday and little things about people" and also try and find things to celebrate and enjoy celebrating them...and finally- tiny white fairy lights make everything cozier! Fun post!
Your advice for your daughter (and the rest of us who may need it) is beautiful! I wish I had been given such advice when I was young.
Would you mind if I made a copy of it for my granddaughters? They lost their momma last March and I think this advice would do them good one day.
I'll wait to see if it's OK with you. Regardless, thank you for sharing it here.
Much love, Sharon
What a great list! Something we can all life by. Thanks for the gentle reminder.
*Never give up your friends for a boyfriend. The one who loves you will want you to have "girl-time", and you will need those friends, as they will need you.
This isn't just a good list for Sloane, it's great for all of us! Wonderful advice.
Beautiful and well written. I'll cheer to that!
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