Did you ever see the Ebay ad last year? It went something like, "They say it's the thought that counts. I say, 'Think harder.'" Ha. I loved that one. No thinking needed, here's my Christmas wish list. Though I do want peace on Earth and all those other lovely intangibles, everything on this list can actually be bought with money. Let's not talk about how much money. OK?
My Not Very Realistic Christmas Wish List

a big original oil painting of hers to hang over my mantle

to take Sloane to this and back here
to take a class from this amazing photographer
to meet in person, these wonderful blog friends. And you. I want to meet you, too.
What about you? What's on your list this year?

Click on the pictures for the original sources.
Oooo, your wish list looks great. I think I want to copy your wish list!!
I've just spent a very unprofitable but tremendously enjoyable half hour sifting through your wish list, Relyn! You will be a very lucky lady if you get any of the wonderful things. I reckon you could manage the ghost chair; I love them too!
Dear Relyn,
I hope that at least a few of your Christmas wishes come true! Which, if you had to choose just one, would you most like to have?
I have a very mundane list with about half a dozen books on it -- and two "fantasy" things (a macro lens and photoshop). Following your links made me aware of just how much amazing photography there is out there. I find it rather overwhelming. Just this morning I was eyeing up a red amaryllis and wondering how I could capture even 5% of its beauty.
Ooo... WONDERFUL, fun list, Relyn! My list seems very pedestrian by comparison. Actually, I don't really have a list, I have so much already, more than I could ever have hoped for in my life. An amethyst & gold ring comes to mind though... ;o) Happy Day, my friend ((HUGS))
holy moley where did you find these wonderful people!!
I have a busy day today..but you can be sure I will seek them out...
and you do photograph like that in your own way..your own style and lady, you have it
How about those red shoes to go with the camera bag!
bye..I'm off to watch Finn today
you have to wish for unrealistic, or else how will you get it? fabulous stuff!!
a have so few wishes. ha! a new place to live - how long do i wish for this before i find an affordable place? - is still #1, and it feels quite unrealistic also.
other than that, for the new year, i am hoping for a short trip each month. that's my goal, if i can do it, if i can overcome this travel anxiety. there is a visit scheduled in january - if all goes well, i will feel brave.
so i add bravery to my list.
Relyn, I love your list!
I'll take that whole white office, chair, books, art, computer. And peace on earth, goodwill for all people.
Another lovely lovely list!
I completely agree on your love of Julie Blackmon's photos! She is so gifted... I love her work!
ohhhhh....i want that play house, too.....and can i come with you when you take a class with nicole....her work is stunning !
and we will meet, my sweet friend....2011 is going to be our year...i know it is :)
I do want your list too! A playhouse and sweet chairs, books, camera bag, and it is always special to meet blogger friends. I actually had the opportunity to meet one of the bloggers on your list in August. You would love meeting her.
I love your list, as usual. You make us think! Love ya!
my list - spread a little more love in the world.
how are you my dear? love your list. happy holidays to you and yours.
one love.
What a lovely list Relyn,
I'd love to be able to do more for others who have challenges bigger than mine. I'd love to be able to pay for a swag load of Smith Family Learning for Life scholarships so that children could go to school equipped with all the books and things that they need.
A little more world peace and a few things like that would be nice too.
I hope you have a great Christmas.
Well, while we're dreaming ... I would love a BIG library ... with a rolling ladder! *sigh*
I would most like the playhouse and I want it to look just like hers. Did you click on the picture itself? You must. My second wish would be to meet all my blog friends. Oh,yeah!
I love the playhouse or a treehouse too. I love the photos on georgiannas lane and would love to take pics like her. I also would love to meet you and Gigi,Beth and Christiana.I am gling to start with The Year of Pleasures.Hope you have a lovely weekend. Have you ever seen any of the photography by Tara Whitney ? She takes the most lovely family photos ever.
I'd be perfectly happy using your list. I wish for that and more.
Okay, so, I was loving your list, I mean, really enjoying it, and then I got to the end and saw the friends you'd like to meet. Now I'm weepy. I also have a thought or two about that, which I'll share with you soon.
You know I adore you and am sending you and yours warmest holiday wishes.
A playhouse . . . now that is something to wish (and plan) for!
xoxo Gigi
That little house is amazing...where did you find that? Can I have one too?
glorious list, I am totally head over heels for those epiphanie bags! Love Mandy Lynne's full of beautiful light photography too.
I am wishing and hoping for camera gear of course especially this one http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/583987-REG/Canon_2764B004_EOS_5D_Mark_II.html and that would about cover it for the next three Christmases I guess.
Relyn, can I share your list?! I love everything on it!
xo Erin
Well, I do hope some of these ARE realistic! In fact, we are going to make them so!! Thank you for including me, dear Relyn. I know it will happen in 2011. I can hear the waves, can you? xo – g
I might copy you, if I remember, if I have time and etc....clever idea. And I want that playhouse too. Do you think there are two of them? :)
On my extremely-wish-ful-list would be a Rothko. Imagine if I had one. I think I would sit myself in front of it and never leave.
So did any of these show up under your tree?!
Jeanie, I did. I got the camera bag I've been dreaming of, the books I wanted, and a telephoto lens. YAY!!
A seriously sumptuous wish list! Beautifully done...
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