This list starts off my best of series. These are my own favorite photographs from last year. I'll show you my favorite portraits next week. I'd be interested to know which is your favorite.
Last year I...

tried to notice beauty everywhere.

became a dog owner for the first time.

experienced having a photography mentor. (So sad that we live 3,00 miles apart.)

fell in love with picture walks.

began to see light as a living thing.

finally found a way to show the world all the ordinary miracles I am in love with.

developed a new passion.

finally caught the wind.

chased after old and tattered things.

caught a glimpse of God's face.

thank you for taking me through the beauty you created this past year ..blessings as you and your sweet family move into the new year of promise
Thank you for sharing :)
Can I have a favourite? It just has to be the sweet face of your dog!
Missy, My favorite is the last one. I LOVE it.
Some beautiful photos here! I'm partial to horses and cute puppy faces. The house and the magnolia are also wonderfully rendered. And "if I had a dollar" for every azalea photo I took I'd be Bill Gates by now. :)
Wishing you and yours a wonderful New Year! May it find you happy, healthy and prosperous.
p.s. a note - had to block as it sends hundreds of spam emails every day from Africa, the UK, and Asia. You might want to get a free gmail account to head off the spammers. Sorry for any inconvenience it may cause you since I finally blocked this morning. Decided to start off the new year minus a few thousand spam emails. :)
This is a beautiful lovely post. so glad you shared it with us. hugs.
I love the picture of the house. Just think it was someone's dream way back then.
Gorgeous pictures....I am always blessed when I come by here!
Gorgeous photos Relyn! I can't pick just one I like the best!
"Finally found a way to show the world all the ordinary miracles I am in love with."
That definitely resonates with me. I'm glad you've been able to share your perspective.
I think the photograph of the horse with the leaves is the most obviously beautiful, but for some reason the one of the dog is my favorite out of this collection.
There's just something very open and honest about him.
gorgeous shots - a gorgeous year. each of these are as lovely as you are - rich in character, kind and loving
How absolutely beautiful and divine is everything you post.
I love you
God's most richest blessings
Yes, I love the last picture - it looks like a painting. But then I love the one of your dog too. Lovely! And a photography mentor would be wonderful. Yes it would!
I think I'm going to borrow your idea from last year and make it mine this year. I find the house you photographed my favorite. Now I think I'll go and write a blog about this. Thanks for letting me come sit by your fire! Warm wishes to you.
Beautiful Relyn! Love your dog! Such a sweet face.
You and your blog are an example of grace among us, Relyn. Beautiful. The last is also my favourite..
I love them all and I am so glad you shared them with us. I loved The Year of Pleasures.
What a beautiful picture list! I especially love the very last one! It is absolutely gorgeous! Love ya!
Oh my, how do I choose? I LOVE THEM ALL....Perhaps God's face is the one that touched me the most. The serenity, the beauty, the shading, all of it so astounding, just like God.
I fall in love with your posts every time I actaully take the time to read them! They are so inspriing, every one of them! The pictures are sooooo simple but show the beauty all aroudn us that we seem to pass by without seeing most of the time. Thanks for touching my heart today!
Oh Relyn! I love these photos! Picking a very favorite is difficult and I really thought it owuld be the two horses together at the top of the post, but I think I love the one of your doggie even more. I'd love to get one like that of each of mine and it is just impossible. They won't sit still that long. You did a great job getting that shot!
Much love, Sharon
What camera and lens are you using? Your photos are absolutely wonderful.
I want to get new equipment and am checking into what others are using.
All of your photographs are gorgeous, but the face of your dog just warms my heart.
... and your words. You have quite a way with them, my friend.
"picture walks... see light as a living thing..." You said it best, Relyn... That's the photographers experience! :o) LOVED this backward glance at your glorious photos--thank you! Happy Day, my friend ((HUGS))
Awesum pics Relyn :)..i love 'em all..but the one titled..fell in love with picture walks... just caught my eye..i just love the way it has been shot.
Absolutely swooning
over the beauty
you've splashed all
over these pages
..the images
...the words.
What a gift you are:)
Absolutely impossible to choose a favourite from these. Thanks for a very inspiring post!
I like Nos. 4, 6 & 7 especially!
I almost missed all this beauty ... your images are eloquent.
wonderful post. each of the images is extraordinary. you have really blossomed as a photographer this year
your pictures are!
Thank you for your words. All photos in this selection are beautiful and very good and which not to stay, the look of the dog has conquered me. Greetings.
Oh I love your year in pictures ... and the last one reminds of "The Color of Water" ... have you read that book? I loved it; I especially love his mother's answer to his question, "What color is God?" "He's the color of water." Sigh.
They are all so lovely! But...I am a sucker for puppy dog eyes.
Such beauties!!!
Began to see light as a living thing. I love that. And these images are so so beautiful. The one on the bottom...oh my gosh. The velvety softness and the light..just beautiful.
i love what you love my, dear, dear friend. you are forever and always my inspiration of the heart! and i couldn't agree more with what jamie said "learning to see light as a living thing". only you could find the most perfect words for the beauty of capturing life!
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