I have never, ever heard of snow as an allergen. But, I am telling you, as soon as the flakes started to fall, my nose plugged up and my allergies kicked in. I've spent the day not being able to smell a thing, and that has me dreaming of yummy smells.
What about you? What scents do you love?
Scents I Love
* real roses * chocolate chip cookies or brownies, fresh out of the oven * the spot at the back of a baby's neck * Sloane's hair, after a shower * Johnson's No More Tears shampoo * puppy dog breath * the ticklish scent of a great used bookstore * the fishy, briny smell of an ocean * honeysuckle * baby powder * rubber cement * lilacs * the chlorine and coconutty scent of a public pool * lavender * a carpet store * old paper * fresh sheets, just in from the line * stew in the crock pot * quality leather * chili on the stove * dill pickles * fresh baked bread * Collegedale, TN when McKee Bakery (of Little Debbie fame) is baking oatmeal cream pies * beer brewing at Anheuser in Williamsburg, VA * the tangy bite of jalapenos * Jeffrey's pillow in the morning * fresh cut grass * Febreeze * mint chocolate chip ice cream * banana Laffy Taffy * a campfire * cinnamon * lemons * a new car * Bonnie Belle lipsmackers * Jergen's almond lotion * buttercream icing * hot wax * lemon scented Pledge * real vanilla *

That's weird-the way the snow affected you. I wonder why? I like lots of the smells on you rlist. I will add wet cat, (a bit like wet wool which I also like), hyacinths, lilies, the smell you get when you have just extinguished a candle and the smell of a new magazine.
Hope your sense of smell returns soon! I like most things on your list, and also the smell of coffee brewing, chicken roasting, hubby's aftershave, soil after a downpour, jasmine flowers, a brand new book and (oddly enough) gasoline!
Fresh home cooked meals made for me by loved ones, my Son's colgnes
and the scents of spring and baby products and everything that reminds me of my late beloved Mother and the smell of my Grandmother like lilacs and beautiful spring breezes.
The smell of everything wonderful.
I love you and your postings.
I think I am allergic to winter too.
Love you
* the spot at the back of a baby's neck. Oh my, if I could just bottle this. It's heaven.
the smell of water lake or ocean
is primal I think
Oh yes, Chocolate Chip cookies! A Campfire, Rain, Books/ink/paper, my husband, Baby lotion/babies!
Never heard of a snow allergy either!
My fave smells? Fresh coffee (of course!), baking bread, frying onions, lavender, vanilla, my daughter Hope's freshly washed hair, clean washing, my dear old dog's neck, just cut grass, first sniff of the sea, a brand new never opened book/glossy magazine, fir tree trimmings on a bonfire, etc etc.
a few years back I learned that snow does have a type of mold it carries ...
bay leaf, homemade bread, molasses cookies baking ... a few
Your list is so wonderful, it has me thinking of so many things--they say that smell is our most primal instinct, and it really is true! I love the smell of real roses, the molecules change during the day making the scent different each time. Oh and love the smell of lilacs in the house. Hoping your sense of smell comes back soon Relyn!
xo Mary Jo
you have so many of my favorites too - especially baby necks and lemons. i would add linens straight from the line, the ozone before a thunderstorm, and grapefruit.
I love your list and many of my favs are on there too. I love puppy breath, leather, campfires,books , grass, and vanilla.Hope you feel better soon.
Your list brings back so many memories of precious smells such as the banana Laffy Taffy or tucking my nose into the neck of a baby. Lilacs on a fresh clear spring day. And yes, the smells of the ocean and the sand. But most of all I just appreciate the fact that you notice and savor the small things of life.
*grin* You have a great list of scents here, Relyn, although the carpet store and puppy dog breath ones are cracking me up. Really??? Carpet and puppy breath???? I don't knooow about thoooose... You'd have to doubledare me on the puppy dog breath!
I'm with you on the chocolate chip cookies (I made some tonight!) and lilacs (my favourite floral scent). And I really, really want to know what McKee Bakery's oatmeal cream pies taste like.
No! You'd have to double DOG dare me on smelling the puppy dog breath!
Some smells I love to hate. You know? Have you never had a Little Debbie Oatmeal Cream Pie? That's the ones McKee Bakery makes. Yum!
This was a fun list...I found myself remembering smells and nodding as I read along. Rubber cement wouldn't be on my list...but so many others would be. Hope you have been well and happy!
Oh, I'm so sorry about your nose, Relyn! I do sympathize. My poor sister's allergies flair up in snow as much as in pollen season--any extreme of weather/conditions will do it. Do hope you will be feeling better, and able to smell again. We do take our senses for granted sometimes unknowingly, don't we? But I lover the fun of this post. I'm a NATURAL girl when it comes to scents: lavender, jasmine, rose, dill, fennel, rosemary, thyme, lemon, lime, vanilla paste, ocean, sand, dirt, grass, paper, pencils freshly sharpened, new watercolor paints, wool, Irish soda bread baking, applewood fire burning, Dear Husband's old cardigan. I wear his cardigan around the house when he's not in it so I can have him close to me. ;o) Happy Day ((HUGS)) P.S. I'm between books, so booki-ish post soon...
I've never heard of snow bringing allergies, but I know that the first time that the wind blows out of the north, my allergies start acting up. I guess it's the northern cedar that gets my nose. Isn't it wonderful what all our nose can smell. I'm thankful that the Lord gave us a nose. It makes eating so much more pleasant.
Lavender...fresh cut grass and vanilla...herm... =)
The smell of the air after it's rained; delicious things baking; library and book scents; the soft sleepy smell of pillow cases and blankets.
Isn't it funny how a scent can take you back in time more vividly than a photograph can? It's like you are right back there...memories flood in that you didn't think you still had! Fresh cut grass and crayons and fir Christmas trees do it best for me. :)
Oh, now this is a good idea ... be thankful, rather than disgruntled! :)
I grew up smelling lemon Pledge and still use it today. My child's hair, freshly shampooed, or even sticky from play, is a special scent. I love how the bedroom/bathroom smell after someone has showered... and the smell of play-doh. Oh, I love that stuff!
As Derrick is leaving the blogosphere you might like to leave a message on the post
"Farewell Derrick " at my blog.
I love the scent of lilacs and can hardly wait for them to return to my garden. I have several trees and between them all I do have my favorite. A soft pale lilac colored one with the purest fragrance.
I also love the scent of a sweet little baby, newly bathed and powdered. Actually, they are scrumptious even without the powder.
I love the fragrance by Donna Karan "Cashmere", a nice powder based perfume.
Thank you for your list of scents.
i'm patchouli and sandalwood all the way.
thinking of you and hoping that the allergies subside.
one love.
freshly cut grass, the saltiness of the ocean, jasmine
I love your list! A lot of my 8th grade faves are on it! Hope you get your smell back soon!
Ooo, I love this! So sorry you are stuffed up but how fun that you have snow!
This has to be one of my favorite of your lists. Fresh cut grass, honeysuckle, lilacs, mmmm
Wishing you a weekend of delicious smells! xo – g
I hope you're feeling much better by now Relyn! My favourite scents are floral, I think. I love lilac - I seriously try to recall the scent of lilac from when the lilacs are over until they come again! Roses too: I have some Old English roses in my garden and they actually categorise the different families of scent so I'm still learning about that.
i love the way all baked goods smell, clean laundry, and the scent of my children...hubby too.
The fragrance of your
life and heart waft over
me and fill me with joy!
One strong childhood memory of smell that I have is the fragrance of laundry drying on a line in our kitchen. Of course, clothes dryers had not yet been invented. (That's both a blessing and a curse.) Added to that were the savory scent of navy bean soup with ham bits simmering on the stove, and cornbread baking in the oven.
At least if is a good catalyst into a favorite smells list, I would add cinnamon rolls baking and fresh rolls too! I also love to smell Mark's temples along his hair line, he smells just like my daddy use to in that same place.
I adore your list friend ~ have a super great weekend ~ love U!
Oh, I hear you. Not so bad in winter for me -- but allergens are not my friends!
Wow...that was one fantastic list of scents...
You made me both hungry and nostalgic in one line....
It has been too long since I have been here...
I've missed you...
Hope the allergies have let up!
this list is... well deep sigh for beauty.
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