Today's guest inspires me with her steady pursuit of all things creative. Arlene, of Geek Inc., is a poet, a photographer, a mondo beyondo list maker, a mother, and a passionate pursuer of creative endeavors. If you don't know her already, you are really going to enjoy today.
i seem to struggle
with the word
i don't know why.
it just doesn't resonate with me.
the idea of it does, but it's like the word itself is a road block for me.
so i googled the meaning and one of the meanings i got spoke to me...
compelled or ruled by intense emotion or strong feeling.
immediately that word grabbed me and hooked me and reeled me in...
i recognized myself in that one word.
and then
i searched the thesaurus for similar words...
animation, eagerness, excitement, fire, frenzy, intensity, transport.
flashes of recognition, flashes of myself.

and now that i have established some acceptable terminology for myself...what is mine?
what is my fire, my frenzy, what inspires this in me...the truth is, if you read my blog at all,
you make think me flighty when it comes to what lights my fire...
i have skipped all over the map
but i think that is part of my passion, that is what drives me...
ideas and trying something different,
mastering a new skill, a feeling of accomplishment but also that
double edged excitement of wondering what will come next?
i'm always thinking of the next big thing...
what is required, making lists, gathering supplies, doing research.
some things {photography} i stick with...
others i may try fanatically and then totally drop them for now {knitting}...
at the moment, a quick list reveals::
an upcoming writing class {which scares me out of my ever loving mind},
photography {& daring to shoot in RAW}
paper-cutting, painting, race car driving, yoga, wooden window boxes,
trying to make pizza dough and tomato soup
from scratch, crossing things off my mondo beyondo list {while adding more},
building a robot of grand proportions out of recycled materials,
daring to be me more often....
i don't know why.
it just doesn't resonate with me.
the idea of it does, but it's like the word itself is a road block for me.
so i googled the meaning and one of the meanings i got spoke to me...
compelled or ruled by intense emotion or strong feeling.
immediately that word grabbed me and hooked me and reeled me in...
i recognized myself in that one word.
and then
i searched the thesaurus for similar words...
animation, eagerness, excitement, fire, frenzy, intensity, transport.
flashes of recognition, flashes of myself.

and now that i have established some acceptable terminology for myself...what is mine?
what is my fire, my frenzy, what inspires this in me...the truth is, if you read my blog at all,
you make think me flighty when it comes to what lights my fire...
i have skipped all over the map
but i think that is part of my passion, that is what drives me...
ideas and trying something different,
mastering a new skill, a feeling of accomplishment but also that
double edged excitement of wondering what will come next?
i'm always thinking of the next big thing...
what is required, making lists, gathering supplies, doing research.
some things {photography} i stick with...
others i may try fanatically and then totally drop them for now {knitting}...
at the moment, a quick list reveals::
an upcoming writing class {which scares me out of my ever loving mind},
photography {& daring to shoot in RAW}
paper-cutting, painting, race car driving, yoga, wooden window boxes,
trying to make pizza dough and tomato soup
from scratch, crossing things off my mondo beyondo list {while adding more},
building a robot of grand proportions out of recycled materials,
daring to be me more often....
Wow...Arlene says is so well. She has put in to better words how I often feel about passion. I'm all over the place, all the time. I burn all the time for many things. Sometimes I think it might be easier if I was whittled down to one or two things that really strike me. But that's not me. So I dip into all I can. All the while finding love, light and poetry along the way. And tapper ever deeper to the inner truth. Loving your Passions series, Relyn and meeting some wonderful spirits. :o) Happy Week ((HUGS))
That's precisely what life should be ... a grand adventure!
I think I love Arlene! Wonderful post!
I love your posts .....
You are so skilled with words... I find it hard to get my thoughts down on paper. I love reading what you have to say.
I've never used the word "passion" to describe anything that I have done. Yet I like Arlene's take on "passion." Being compelled. Eagerness. Transport. This I understand and it makes me comfortable with the word. Thanks for the insight.
[Relyn, I appreciate you stopping by my blog. I love connecting with others through the comments. It's so relaxed and unexpected that way.]
I like this post a lot. Sometimes I feel like I am all over the place, trying to find my passion.
I love your new list. I've been thinking about a writing class myself :) keep us posted on how it's going.
i see within the words a true dreamer ...
...wonderful post` makes me feel so at home, & so much better. so many irons in so many fires. trying this, trying that... why not? i just love it here.
Yes, I agree with so many of the comments above. There is great comfort in knowing that I'm not the only one multi-tasking, jumping all over the map, and wondering if I've lost my passion--when it's always there just waiting for us and bursting out when we're least aware.
xo Mary Jo
What a great post. The format guided me through thought - of yours and of mine. THe photo was also a wonderful accent piece. Lots to chew on as I look at my own list today - and the things that have been on it so long but have gathered dust. Time to move on to something else? Spring housecleaning on a grand order!
Boy, do I connect to this! I must go visit Arlene -- I have a feeling we will be most sympatico! (This from the eclectic person who could never find a specific focus for her blog!)
Thanks, Relyn!
These are such fun little glimpses.
Hi Relyn....as always, an oasis coming here.....been gone for awhile...been trying to stick my landing in new territory, replete with challenges, joys, heartaches, second-guessing, more hoping, wondering if I've lost my mind, hoping if I have that the "everlasting arms" will catch me and make it all right....
...oh Relyn, would love one of your prayers, for light on my path, for peace where I need peace and courage where I need courage. For healing of hearts.....
...a tall order, I know......
...just feeling a little "which way is up" this week.....
thanks, as always, my dear friend...
that double edged excitement of wondering what will come next.....yes!!!!
you will love raw and will wonder why you haven't before - it is so forgiving
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