Sloane, at nine
I want to remember...
- her joy at getting glasses and her wonder at just how beautiful the world really is.
- the first time she saw a picture of herself without glasses and didn't like it because they had already become so much a part of her.
- the way that she grew closer and closer to her Daddy as she began to share more and more of his interests.
- that she just couldn't cheer for the Cardinals to win the world series, even though we live in Missouri. They had beaten the Braves; her Daddy's team from way back.
- the time she had to write a commercial for class. She chose to do one about Relyn Lawson photography.
- her excitement in doing things or buying gifts for other people.
- the time she put her hands on her hips and said, "Mom. We have GOT to do something about this closet."
- the way she grew into her height and is now proud of being the tallest student at her school instead of embarrassed by it.
- her first pimple and how earnestly she asked me to help her take care of her skin.
- her passionate desire to grow her hair out, and the willingness to take care of it herself.
- how astute her observations of other people are.
- that she is always considerate of others.
- how well she respects others' privacy - I am a Nosey Nelly myself.
- her exact tone of voice when she's fully ready for school and asks, "How do I look?"
- her first crush.
- her willingness to forgive and move on.

Very cryptic. Am I missing something?
I accidentally hit publish before I had written anything. It's up now.
I love that she wrote an ad for your photography. that is so sweet! she is a beautiful girl. mine will turn 10 in january.
Oh Sweet Sloane- Happy Birthday!!! You ARE blessed!
Happy 10th Birthday, Sloane!
Blessings and prayers,
Sloane is such a beautiful girl, who clearly has a beautiful spirit too.
Lovely observations of her as she turns from 9 to 10. Double figures, an important milestone.
"Mom. We have GOT to do something about this closet."
Made me burst out laughing. I like this kid. I bet that age 10 will be just as wonderful.
You are blessed (well except for her not cheering on the Cards)! My daughter was wise before her years and yours sounds the same. Mine still has all the qualities I loved back then, so you will be a very lucky mom for the rest of your life. I'm so glad you stop to appreciate each moment...they seem to go faster once they hit double digits.
Yes, you are blessed and that photo shows all the joy and reasons why...
she's so beautiful and growing so quickly....i know how that time flies....xo
Relyn, she is absolutely gorgeous! My word, where does the time go? Too fast sometimes. xxoo
Lovely photo. Lovely girl, inside and out. :)
a very happy 10 to Sloane.
you are blessed indeed. sending happy vibes your way. one love.
This time ten years ago, I was waiting on you to have one special little girl on my birthday. Well, she didn't make it till two days later and for a long time we celebrated our birthdays together. I have so missed doing that with her lately. Happy Birthday, my sweet Sloane. Thank you, Relyn for having such a sweet child, but much of it she learned from her parents. You were always so very thoughtful. I love you!
A beautiful post and a beautiful sweetheart!! You've captured your daughter's essence to share... love it.
I love all you post
She's looking so grown up at ten, beautiful and I love her glasses! So much happens at and after ten... Hang on to your heart, honey. Happy 10, Sloane :o) ((HUGS))
Sloane is beautiful inside and out. What a sweet girl. Tell her happy birthday. When I turned 10 I thought it was the best age to be.
My oldest turns 40 next still think I am 40.
What a beautiful tribute to your sweet Sloane. WIshing her a wonderful 10th year.
xo jj
What a beautiful gift of a daughter. May many years of joy await her.
You are raising a very special woman. Oh how soon they become that woman. You should be so proud of her. What a dear soul. Happy Birthday to Sloane!
absolutely stunning snapshots
of your growing girl
and the beauty
she beams into your life.
Fantastic share:)
teary eyed and smiling all at the same time ..amazing should be so proud !!
You are blessed . . . and from what I read of Sloane, I dare say we shall all be blessed!
This is a beautiful list, you were so smart to put this together, for both of you. My girls are 7 which seems to be the age where I can't remember exactly what happened at 3, or 4. I'm going to make a wonderful list for my girls too. Thank you!
Relyn, I have missed you, too! I've really not mastered the fine art of balance as a teacher, mom, wife, etc., etc., so my blogging life has been getting dusty. But hearing from you and then coming here and seeing your beautiful daughter makes me miss it even more.
Sloane radiates from within, by the way. And how neat that she's created a commercial for you.
A fabulous tribute to a very lovely girl, inside and out. She is lucky to have you for her Mama.
Happy Birthday to her! You're justifiably a proud mom :)
What a beautiful, beautiful post, dear Relyn. I think these careful observations are so important to be recorded and shared as you have done here. So much is fleeting and changes but these precious moments will always be preserved and cherished.
Wishing her the best birthday!! Happy Birthday, Sloane!
xo – g
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