Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sunday Morning Poetry

The Coming of Light

Even if this late it happens:
the coming of love, the coming of light.
You wake and the candles are lit as if by themselves,
stars gather, dreams pour into your pillows,
sending up warm bouquets of air.
Even this late the bones of the body shine
and tomorrow's dust flares into breath.
~ Mark Strand


Shaista said...

Mark Strand really is something - what a lovely poem to read and imagine that late coming of love and light... That's going to be me at the rate I'm going ;)
It's a rainy drizzly sort of day here, but yummy all the same, in the way only Sundays can be....

Jeanne said...

Beautiful indeed my lovely friend

Cathi said...

Perfect! xxoo

Claire said...

Light and love to you, sweet friend.

Isa Lisboa said...

Nice poetry! I will wait for dreams poured into my pillow! :)

Mrs. E said...

Lovely. Love at any age is a gift, isn't it?

Sweet Tea said...

Stopping by for my Sunday poetry reading. Hope you are doing well.

Tracy said...

Crying... this is pure magic! "...dreams poured into pillows..." Speechless...*sigh*... ((HUGS))

Christine Laennec said...

What a beautiful poem - thank you, Relyn. I love anything to do with late bloomers!

Kyra said...

Ahhhhh!!!! beautiful, so full of hope and yet so simple...wonderful selection Relyn, thanks for sharing :)

Love and hugs :)

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

What a beautiful, beautiful poem. Thank you.

And thank you for stopping by my blog, and leaving a comment. Comments rock! They let us find new blogging friends. :-)

OHHHHHHHHHHHHH! You have the awful Blogger Word Verification Setting on here!!!!! -sigh- I know it is doing a good work, with helping old books to not be lost. But!!! It is way too time-consuming for we bloggers, to have to do it, just to comment on our favorite blogs.

Please, reconsider having it turned on? Please....

Or do you even know that it is turned on???

Many in Pretty Blog Land, will not comment in blogs, which have this. But I certainly don't like to just go away. And not let the blogger know that I was here. And not tell her, the reason why, I did not comment.

Please don't be mad at me, for saying this....

(Btw, I have had to do this Word Ver. two times already. -sigh-)

"Seeing what is in front of one's nose requires a constant struggle."
~~George Orwell

Rita said...

I love you!

Rita said...

I love you!

Jennifer Richardson said...

oh that is hauntingly beautiful.
so full of sweet hope:)
thanks for the loveliness,

Kirsten Steen said...

I saw your name and said, YAY, Relyn's been here! Have missed you. And always love your poetry picks. Hope all is well with you and yours.
Keep in touch!

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Hi again and thank you so much for being sweet about... My telling you about Word Ver. Setting.

Gentle hugs,

My Castle in Spain said...

Relyn, so nice to read you again! Hope everything's fine your spring coming your way?
xo Lala

Marilyn Miller said...

Oh I love dreams pouring into my pillow. I hope you are having a delightful week, sending hugs to make it so.

Jeanie said...

This is just lovely, Relyn. Thank you for sharing it with us.

SE'LAH... said...

always my favourite post here...
so warm and peaceful and full of love.

one love. thanks for being you!

Elizabeth Halt said...

What a lovely poem to read again and again. I have the most beautiful visual in my head. Thank you.

Hindsfeet said...

...Thank you for this, Relyn....

Beautifully hopeful

meandering pearl said...

Adoration for this poem!!! Sorry i haven't visited in a while, life has been an effort & im always getting pulled of the computer before i can barely finish a post!!! Hope you are doing marvellously!!!

As always, loveliness

Angie Muresan said...

Oh Relyn, I have missed the loveliness of your blog.

ds said...

I love this poem. Thank you for sharing it.

Oldies, but Goodies