Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Week 4 of the Wednesday Lists, Part 2
Prompt: List what you are grateful for.

Obviously, this is a favorite topic of mine.  I believe that the secret to a happy life is to be consistently and purposefully grateful.  I write often about gratitude here on this blog and Team Lawson keeps a daily list over on our family blog.  This, then, is not intended to be a comprehensive list, but rather, an illustrated one.  Here are just a few of the many, many things for which I give thanks each and every day. 

Jeffrey and Sloane

my parents 

carnivals, entertainment, and family fun


God's glorious creation 


old signs and architecture - and dessert 


 my niece, Persephone

old things



 What are you thankful for every single day? 

You can order the card above here.


Marilyn Miller said...

Thanks for coming by today.
I am thankful for birthdays and an opportunity to celebrate them. Thankful for friends, even online friends. Oh and books, my grandson, family, flowers, sunshine - all in no particular order.

betty said...

thanks for visiting my blog (a bench with a view) and your comment. Lots to be grateful for you listed here! I do believe it is good to be thankful and grateful too; I'm trying to incorporate more of that in my daily routine myself :)

enjoy the day!


allisondegeorge said...

I am grateful...that you stopped by all that I am

I cannot wait to feel that summer breeze of my banner once again....
but I am grateful that Spring surely is just around the corner....

Debby said...

Such a sweet post. I am thankful for all those things as well. Your neice is so cute.

Victoria Bennett Beyer said...

Yes, indeed! Life seems so much better when we take the time to celebrate all the good things in it!

Jeanne said...

I am thankful for every blessings in my life my family, friends faith and this wonderful world with all ifs magnificence. Love Jeanne

I love you postings.
I am always thankful for you
Love Jeanne

Tracy said...

Hi, Relyn! Moments of gratitude celebration... love those! Every day I'm thankful for the love of family & friends. LOVE is the big one my my daily list. :o) Just now surfacing after 2 weeks+ I've been down with flu & migraines--slowly mending. Fist chance I've had to post and visit friends. So great to catch up with you. Happy Weekend ((HUGS))

amelia said...

What gorgeous photos, Relyn! And can I just tell you, the love seen between your parents makes my heart happy.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

thanks for stopping by my post last night. all of these photos are beautiful and you have very very much to be grateful for. i fit in the OLD things category.. LOL

Mac n' Janet said...

I am thankful for my husband and daughter, our good health, my garden, books, the start of each day and glorious time to enjoy them all.

Suvarna said...

I'm thankful for Loyal friends like you, my beautiful family, words, rain and old things.

Roban said...

I love your illustrated list, and your photos really are fabulous. You've gotten quite good at this!

Good health is on the top of my list today! I'm hoping to find it again soon. Good health, that is!

Enjoy your weekend and all of those blessings you mentioned.

Debbie said...

Love your lists, as usual. My list would contain HHBL, photography, knitting, children, family, Knit Sibs, good friends, Max the Magnificent. Too many things to list here!!

Bella Sinclair said...

What a moving and beautiful list. I love it! And oh my, all the photos are drop-dead gorgeous! I'd love to kiss those beautiful lashes on your sleeping niece. :)

Lisa Gordon said...

Always, always, my family.
These are beautiful photographs, Relyn.

Have a wonderful weekend!

keishua said...

sloane's freckles are too cute. everyday, i am grateful for my family, friends and animals. they keep me sane.

miruspeg said...

Hello friend!
What a fabulous post. Gratitude is my favourite topic too.
I thank the Universe every night before I go to sleep for a wonderful day and how blessed I feel.
And I mean it sincerely.
Be well dear friend.
Peggy ♥♥♥

alexa said...

What stunning photos of lovely people and beautiful things ... Is that coast near you? You really know how to capture the best of your loved ones in these photos.

The Paris Apartment said...

What a great blog, I feel like kindred spirits!
Where are you getting your prompts?

Kyra said...

Thank you is a favourite topic of mine too, but as much as I love saying it, it feels so awkward when I'm at the receiving end of them.

Thank you, Relyn for enriching my life with your posts, sharing the joy that u experience, your family, your reads, it enriches me :)

rachel awes said...

your photos are GORGEOUS.
soul satisfying!
i love all these faces!
+ sweets, i just sent you
an email :)

Anita said...

Your photos are awesome!

Oldies, but Goodies