Friday, January 24, 2014

Friday Faves

* Word Nerdiness:  I found a great new word.  A Flaneur is one who wanders without destination.  Let's all be Faneurs this week.   

* Great Read: Escape From Mr. Lemoncello's Library by Chris Granbenstein.  This is a fantastic read aloud for second through fifth graders.  If you have a child in your life, this would make a great family read aloud. 

* Funniest Moment: I was walking my class to lunch the other day and my kids got a case of the giggles.  As my Tyler, who had had a very snotty nose all day, went into the lunch room  he laughed and said, "Mrs. Lawson.  I had a little giggle and it made me fart out my nose."

* Something to Make:a gratitude reminder from A Bird and Bean

* Terrific Tips: Prolific Living from A Beautiful Mess

* Images of the Week: When the Snow Fell... by Steering for North

* Anticipating: This weekend Jeffrey is taking me to Tulsa for the weekend to shop and see "Chicago".  I'm pretty excited!

* A Song: "All That Jazz" by Samantha Barks

* Quote of the Week: "If you're feeling blue, try painting yourself a different color." ~Hannah Cheatham, age 8

* PINspiration: Awesome Party Ideas currated by Danielle Cresp

* Film Fancies: "The Magic Horse" by Lottie Reiniger
* BLOGspiration: Susannah Tucker

* In Case You Missed It: My Best Gift

The picture above is one of my all time favorites of my sweet Sloane when she was about 4.


Debby said...

I hope it is warm on your week-end trip. I love your greatest gift. What a cute little girl. I am sure you hear all kinds of funny things at school.

Jeanne said...

Best wishes to you and I love your Friday Faves. Love Jeanne

alexa said...

I smiled at the photo, giggled at the funniest moment, felt prodded by Prolific Living and teared up at My Best Gift :).

Lisa Gordon said...

Your weekend sounds like it will be wonderful, Relyn.
Enjoy every moment!

Elizabeth Halt said...

I would LOVE to see Chicago live! Have a wonderful time!

Dogs are very good flaneurs. :)

S. Etole said...

Have a great weekend. Smiled at the quote.

Jeanie said...

Just LOOK at that fabulous face! Sounds like tons of fun!

Kamana said...

i would love to be a flaneur! sounds like my kind of thing :)

Marilyn Miller said...

Sweet picture of Sloane.
Have never heard the word, flaneur, but yes!
Thoroughly enjoyed The Magic Horse, the quotes, your Best Gift. Hugs to you!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

"A far that came out my nose"...such perfect potty humor from a young boy! I hope your night out seeing Oklahoma was terrific.

Unknown said...

OOp...meant to type "fart"!!

Cait O'Connor said...

Well I love that quote by Hannah, I shall remember it and try to paint myself a different colour when I am blue :)

Hausfrau said...

I'll have to see if my husband's library has that book yet--sounds like a good one!

I'm a fan of flaneurs (and flaneuses), too!

Hope you loved "Chicago"!

HKatz said...

The Flaneur Guide is an awesome find :) Thanks so much for sharing!

Oldies, but Goodies