Friday, April 22, 2016

Friday Faves

* Word Nerdiness:  Do We Talk Funny? by NPR

* Great Read: If you love memoir and art, you will love My Favorite Things by Maira Kalman.  

* Happiest Moment: When I accepted the offer to become the new library media specialist at my school.

* Something to Make: The link is broken to these homemade cards, but the picture will give you lots of inspiration.  All you need is a scanner and some pencils.

* Terrific Tips: 100 Things To Do When You Are Upset by Gala Darling

* Images of the Week: 212/365 by Kent McDonald

* Anticipating: Jeffrey's birthday weekend next week.  We have so many fun adventures planned. 

* A Song: "Till There Was You" by The Beatles

* Quote of the Week: "With mirth and laughter, let old wrinkles come.~W. Shakespeare

* PINspiration: All About Amore by Artifact Uprising

* To Make You Think: "Carry Your Own Weather" by Steven Covey

* In Case You Missed It: A Prayer for my Daughter


Jeanne said...

Beautiful postings as always
Happy Earth day
Love Jeanne

Jeanie said...

This photo makes my heart sing. Three months till Michigan cherries! And congratulations on your new position!

amelia said...

Well, this was a fabulous list of Friday Favorites! I'm definitely adding that book to my list. And library media specialist? What fun! Congratulations . . .

Marilyn Miller said...

I remember the prayer for your daughter. That photo by Kent McDonald is terrific. Always love the Beatles. Is the position at school a new one and will you still be teaching?

Joanna Jenkins said...

Happy Birthday Jeffrey!
xo jj

Jennifer Richardson said...

Sometimes I forget about lists
until I come around here and am inspired all over again.
You were the first! The first nudge to go exploring in that
part of my heart. You taught me that I love listing:)
Thank you for that.
I just wanted to say:)

Oldies, but Goodies