Thursday, October 16, 2008

Aren't We All Such a Wonder?

Do you ever stop to think of all the miracles around you? Everyone you meet, all the people your eyes can see... we're all such a wonder. We each carry inside of us entire worlds. We all hold a universe of feeling. Cargo ships full of memory. Unlimited potential.

I think of my students and their shining, happy faces. What amazing wonders are hidden behind those too-long bangs and gap-toothed grins? What marvelous things will they do with their precious lives? What fires can I ignite in them that will warm them their whole lives? I often ponder just how I might be able to pass along the life-giving fires of confidence, curiosity, and wonder.

I think of how precious each of us is. And I realize how easy it is to extinguish someone's spark. I picture crest-fallen faces after a casually spoken insult. I remember my own still-tender spots from unkind words. I think of delighted expressions after just a few words of praise. I feel arms hug me tight in relief that someone other than family loves them.

What a sacred task it is for us to protect each other. To cherish each other. To speak tenderly to another's dreams. We are all such miracles walking around a rough-edged world protected only by this fragile flesh. Let's be gentle with each other. We are all such a wonder.

My friend Jaime has a beautiful, poet's heart. Her words are always perfect: simple and profound. This post of hers inspired these ponderings of mine. Firefly's photostream is amazing. The photo pictured here was just a taste.


Anonymous said...

oh sweet, sweet girl you are so very skilled at being able to translate and articulate the voice of the heart. i was just sitting yesterday with a woman in my office. 55 years old, an incredibly accomplished and powerful woman. and yet each time we speak of her life as a young girl and the hurts from those who shunned and taunted her she cries so hard. she keeps saying "I don't know why this still hurts so much.." it's true though. the way we welcome one another in the world, the way we look, speak and touch. it all has such importance. i remind parents of this and couples who are injured. and children who throw hatred and disdain at their parents when they are angry. i tell them "what you say and what you do really, really matters." you so often make me stop and think, feel things that are important to me. thank you relyn. i appreciate your wonderful writing and the wisdom it offers. you are really a gentle soul aren't you?

spread your wings said...

you put delighted expressions across my face with your genuine nature and kind words - if i could hug you i would.

this is such a beautiful reminder for us all - be gentle with our words (because words can hurt)
you write with such tenderness.

your students are very lucky

Relyn Lawson said...

Oh, Robin. I wish I were more gentle. Too often I am busy, hurried, rushing from chore to chore. Teaching these younger students reminds me to slow down, to take time, to pay attention, to be gentle. We all need it so much.

Leslye, I hope my students feel lucky. Some days they are. Most days, I know I am the lucky one. I spend all day every day doing what I love. And it matters. It matters so much.

The Feathered Nest said...

Oh Relyn, what a beautiful post...your words are so wonderfully written, they bring tears to my eyes because you are so right ~ thank you for my little bird, he's right at home here!! xxoo, Dawn

ELK said...

"We are all such miracles walking around a rough-edged world protected only by this fragile flesh."

YEP we need to protect each other ~ lovely post dear!

What do you teach?

Anonymous said...

Beautiful post. So well said. :)

Jeanne said...

I love your words.
They are magic to me.
Love Jeanne

Tess Kincaid said...

This is such a refreshing post, Relyn! My sister and I were just chatting on the phone this morning and both agreed that most of the problems in the world would be solved if we would all just treat each other kindly.

tangobaby said...

Your students are so lucky to have you. That you look out for them in such a way. You will be that special teacher that they remember when they send their own kids to school. Lovely post.

beth said...

we really are very tender miracles, aren't we ?

thanks for the reminder !!

Jessica said...

I think the same exact thing when I see my students little faces!

donna said...

Recently I heard a story about a young man from a very tough neighborhood who had beaten the odds. He and his brother were the only ones out of a friend group of 19 who didn't end up in jail. He decided to be a teacher and was accepted into Harvard. After graduating he went back to that tough neighborhood to teach. When asked about what inspired him to acheive he said his success could be attributed to his Mom and a wonderful teacher in high school.
This was a good is your post Relyn, of the power that parents and teachers have in shaping the future of young lives. Such a responsibility...and such a reward!

Tricia said...

relyn, thank you for your visit. i treasure your comments so much.
i have been feeling so quiet these days.

your words are so beautifully written-so wise. your students are blessed.

christina said...

These are just the most beautiful words. Ohh... what I wouldn't give to be in your class. I guess that is why I visit so often. I just love it here!

JUST ME said...


This is tooo sweet for words. sometimes while I am taking my walks here and there I love to observe people. It reminds me that maybe someone out there is feeling the same way as I or they are dealing with worse things then I. I try to put myself in their shoes and wonder what their thinking or who they are waiting for or what their next plan is. WE are all individuals with our own thoughts and our own lives.

Thanks for this post you explained it perfectly.

Ragamuffin Gal said...

Hello Beautiful Friend,
This post is magical and you are collecting quite a fan following. I am enjoying reading some new blogs. I wanted to let you know that I have posted some pictures from our day at the patch. They remind me of a very happy day! Blessings,

Dutchbaby said...

Thank you for showing us that miracles are within our reach for all of us. xoxo

My Castle in Spain said...

It is so good to read this post Relyn ! your students must really love you and yes they are so lucky to have you !
"Let's be gentle with each other", isn't it a simple thing to do and yet we so easily forget because of the rush, the bad mood..
Thanks for reminding me, dear friend !

Unknown said...

I appreciate your wonderful writing and the wisdom it offers, too. But who tells the parents to praise the teachers too, one in a while.
Gina from Germany

Jaime said...

This is such a beautiful post. It touched my heart, for we really are so very tender, aren't we?

*What fires can I ignite in them that will warm them their whole lives?*
You are an extraordinary teacher and human being. You are so your students, to your family and friends, and to all of us blogging soul sisters.
I think we all find comfort here in this blogging world because of the kind and gentle sentiments passed to each other so freely. It's like a buffer zone from the sometimes harsh outer world.

We really are all such a wonder.

ps...thank you so much for your kind words at the bottom of your sweet post and for making me feel special today.

Love to you

Oldies, but Goodies