Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Once Upon a Time

Once upon a time there lived a girl who had a brother, but no sister. This girl had wished for a sister all her adult life. About a year ago, her brother gave her what she had longed for: a sister of her very own.

Once upon a time there lived a little girl who dreamed of magical white dresses, a walk down a long aisle, and baskets of flowers. About a year ago, a pretty lady kindly made a little girl's dream come true.

Once upon a time there lived a man who was single for quite a while, waiting for the woman that made his heart whole. About a year ago, this man married that woman and they made a new life together in a magical city.
My brother and his wife, Lynn just had their first anniversary. I've been thinking about them and their wonderful wedding. It was a simple celebration, held in their backyard. Only their best friends and family attended, and it was absolutely perfect. The wedding was more about people and relationships than dresses and cake. We actually spent more time enjoying each other than we did smiling for pictures. We laughed and celebrated and even shared a few sentimental tears. The bride and groom cooked dinner for us while we laughed, slapped at sand fleas, and laughed some more.
It felt like this:

Every couple has three circles. His family. Her family. Their heart's family, made up mostly of friends. Instead of struggling to merge those circles, or being content to keep them separate, Brett and Lynn flung their arms wide and invited all of us in.

By the time we left Savannah, the most magical of cities, we all felt like old friends. Brett and Lynn's love, for each other, for their family, for their friends, for their adopted city, gave us all a magical weekend we'll never forget. About a year ago their vast love made more than one dream come true.
Happy, happy anniversary to my brother and the sister he gave to me.

All the photographs were taken by me in Savannah, Georgia in October, 2007.


spread your wings said...

This is so beautiful!! What a nice way to wish your brother a happy anniversary. It sounds like it was a magical celebration.
is that your daughter? she is so adorable.

Jeanne said...

Love all that you share.
Love Jeanne

Laura said...

That is such a wonderful story! and then the fact that it is all true! Congratulations to the happy couple.

Queen Of The Armchair aka Dzintra Stitcheries said...

Relyn, what a beautiful story you tell and how proud you sound of your sister ... Dzintra Ingrid

Dutchbaby said...

Beautiful photos you took in Savannah. October 15th is our anniversary also! I can vouch that it is a very fortuitous day to get married. Happy anniversary to your brother and sister-in-law!

Jessica said...

Your photos are so beautiful! What great anniversary words to share.

ELK said...

thank you for sharing your images as well as your words of love ~ you are blessed to have that special bond!

christina said...

These photos are beautiful and your words magical. Many blessing to the happy couple.

My Castle in Spain said...

What you evoke is so romantic...Congratulations and warm wishes to your brother and his wife!

Sloane looks so pretty in her lovely white dress!

Jaime said...

Wow...I could have written this story myself!
Always wanted a sister too, and my brother married the most wonderful woman a few years ago. They had the same small intimate wedding in a blossoming orchard, where it was all about love and connecting with each other. Close friends and family. It made us all see what is most important in life.

Happy anniversary to your brother and new sister!


Oldies, but Goodies