What I really want to do is tell you about my word for 2009. The idea is to pick a word that you plan to use to guide your year. It's not about writing resolutions you're bound to break. It's not even about to do lists or hope to do lists, and you know how much I love lists. It's about creating a focus for your year. A mantra, if you will, to be defined any way you choose.
" A single word can be a powerful thing. It can be a ripple in the pond that changes everything." ~ Alli Edwards, creator of the one word concept.
2009, the Year of YES!
Yes to new adventures. Yes to travel. Yes to kindness, compassion, and giving till it hurts. Yes to students when my "no" is driven only by preference. Yes to Sloane when "no" or "later" is compelled only by convenience. Yes to the time and effort it takes to learn a new skill. Yes to taking risks publicly. Yes to investing time in people. Yes to investing time in healthier living. Yes to more play, more laughter, more dates with Jeffrey. Yes to taking risks, falling down, getting back up, and trying again. Yes to counting my blessings. Yes to self-discipline. Yes to saying thank you and sending presents - on time. Yes to parties, sleep-overs, and celebrations for no good reason. Yes to meeting blog friends. Yes to paying off school loans. Yes to working hard and smart and having a whole lot of fun doing it. Yes, yes, yes!!

The incredible art above was created by Debi of Emma Tree fame. Debi has magic and moonbeams overflowing. The blessing is that she shares them freely.
Yes! Good for you. I too mulled over what I would say in my first post of the year. What would my mantra be? Alas I've decided to go easy on myself this year, allow myself to be in the moment. I'm generally a strident list/rules maker, follower, imperfect perfectionist type. This year, I'm saying yes to saying no. Here's to 2009.
Blessings to you my lovely friend.
Fabulous post as always
Love Jeanne
Have a wonderful yes year...I'm sure you will find you do something you may not have done before through saying yes...and what a wonderful moment that may turn out to be. Good for you!!!
Relyn: What a beautiful post!
I cannot WAIT until I give the Student Loan vultures my last payment; I have about 29 more years left to go. . .
Happy Sunday! Are you ready to return to the lovely classroom in the AM (I assume that you return to work tomorrow)? I need another week!
I love your word! It holds such power and strength within it. Say Yes and be happy with it all! :)
This is the absolute perfect word for the year--Yes!
Well, I cannot find a better or more powerful word than YES! I even think our history began with the YES of the Virgin Mary which she answered to God, when He proposed her to be the Mother of Jesus...
I think I should think a bit more about that word and above all: learn to practice it! :D
So YES, I choose YES as well. Thanks for this great spiritual lesson! Love, Marjolijn
Can we have the same word for 2009? I made mine a positive "YES, I can" - breaking the spell of "I can"t" - no more making excuses.
Yes! That is great word!! I need to practice it more myself.
What a WONDERFUL post Relyn!!! I just love it ~ I love your outlook, your vibe and your energy sweet friend!!! Wishing you a wonderful new week ahead ~ xxoo, Dawn
you again inspire me with such grace and beauty here ...i enjoyed the links as well thank you for being such a happy visit today!
Yes to yes! a single word is a powerful thing! I say yes to sharing joy with family and friends. Yes to learning new techniques in photography, yes to laughter, yes to connecting and sharing with other bloggers like you! Thanks for your always uplifting and inspiring posts.
I've just discovered your blog in the last few weeks and really enjoy catching up with you. You have a lovely family, and thanks for sharing parts of your life. Your idea of the one-word "resolution" or theme is great. Yes is a wonderful word. It is a philosophy wrapped up in a sweet little word. Thanks for the inspiration.
what an amazing word to live by for 2009...I'm amazingly proud of you for letting this word find you!!
Such a strong, positive, happy word! YES ~ I love Claire d'lune playing as I type this!
What a great word, I will look forward to reading your posts. You have a wonderful blog, loved the post of the family pictures as well! I look forward to hearing how your "YES" takes shape in the new year. Have a great week getting back to the routine. May all of your students be ready for "YES" as well!
Hi Relyn, What a sweet post:) Of course, it has me thinking of the Jim Carrey comedy, as well, which I haven't seen, but which I hear has him saying 'yes' to everything! I wish you lots of happiness in 2009:) It was fun to see your photos in the previous post.
Yes beautiful..yes. ; )
Happy New Year to you my dear! You should start by going to see the movie "yes man" :)
This is such a giving list you've created. I hope that you leave lots of yeses for Relyn.
Yes, I send you lots of love from California!
You had me thinking about "Yes, man", too. However, I think you definitely said yes to a new year's post that is delightful, encouraging, magical, and profound.
i'm excited to know your word so i can ask you about it over the year, watch you use it and learn as i go where you go. i am also excited because i didn't know this was a kind of word-fest year long thing. i answered the same question on a post over at christina's and i said my word was wings... now i see i can claim it as my word for the year and i am so very thrilled.. remember the post by debi about her wings for the new year? http://emmatree.blogspot.com/2008/12/wings-for-new-year.html i though i would die from the beauty of her images. i know.. dramatic... but i did feel that pull in my heart that just plain hurts from beauty. so yours is YES and mine is WINGS. now i want to post and post about wings, dream about wings, think about them and wear them!
love to you dear relyn. thank you for the compliment of linking to me.
yes is an excellent word for 2009...i'm frankly still trying to figure out what mine is...indecision, perhaps? ha! kidding.
This is wonderful.
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