Monday, January 26, 2009

Doin' the Happy Dance

We've already heard the good news. It's a snow day tomorrow. All of Team Lawson will be snuggled by the fire, books in hand. Pjs and fuzzy slipper socks all day. Stew for lunch, marshmallows roasted over the fire for dessert. If we're lucky and we get more snow than ice, maybe even a snowman. Ahhhh... I can feel my knots loosening already. Happy winter!

Snow days are pretty rare around here. These pictures are from the last time we had enough snow to build a snowman, January 2005.


Jeanne said...

Love and hugs
Snuggle and keep warm and safe inside.
Love Jeanne

ELK said...


Susanna-Cole King said...

Aw it's a snow day for us too! Perhaps I can get my mom to put a fire in the fire place so I can curl up and read down there... :) Cute pictures, by the way! :)

And thanks for your sweet and encouraging comment, I appreciate it so much! <3


Patti said...

Lucky lucky you!!! I am sooo jealous (even though we had 2 snow days a week and a half ago -lol). Nothing like a snow day...nothing! I'm always up for an unexpected day off- enjoy, stay warm, and be safe!!!

spread your wings said...

Have a blast and enjoy every minute of it. Can't wait to see your 2009 snowman tomorrow. : )
there's just nothing like a snow day. I want one so badly I can't stand it. I think I'm going to have to go find some.

studio wellspring said...

how lovely! snow days are the best! i'm sending you some cyber hot chocolate with homemade whipped cream on top, sealed with big keep-warm hugs & kisses!

Jessica said...

We have a winter storm warning tonight into tomorrow. My spoon is under my bed and my pjs will be inside out. Who knows, miracles do happen, and we might have a snow day too. Your snow day sounds so wonderful-Team Lawson is the best!

Queen Of The Armchair aka Dzintra Stitcheries said...

Hi there...and we're having 40c days this week. Sounds perfect...a snow day, pj's and books by the fire...enjoy!!!

Suvarna said...

Snow days are the best! Hope yours is full of snowmen, snow angels, snow forts and hot chocolate by the fire.
Have a great day,

Caroline said...

How fun is that! Enjoy!!!

Anonymous said...

Ohhh, that sounds heavenly! Can I come over?

loveology said...

Ooh wow, this is such a lovely post, a gorgeous and sweet girl and a wonderful and warm blog! <3

Thank you SO much for the amazing comment you left me, it really means the world to me to get comments like yours from people i don't even knoe, but feel very close in some strange way...



dulcy said...

Third snow day in a row, and I'm loving it!


beth said...

I heard you got hit with some I have friends in st.louis and indiana that keep me posted on the weather happenings in that area !!!

enjoy your sunuggle time !!!

Ragamuffin Gal said...

It has been wonderful ~ hasn't it? How are the roads up your way? I noticed Clever is out again on Friday ~ will you and Rena be able to make it OK?

I love the pictures of your snowman and Sloane in her hat! See you safe and soon! Love, Katie

Anonymous said...

I wish I knew what a snow day feels like. Enjoy!

Oldies, but Goodies