Monday, February 16, 2009

Ok. I admit it.

I love romantic comedies. I do. I know they are cheesy and prepackaged, slick and unrealistic. I don't care. They are fun. They are funny. They are hopeful. And. They are perfect for these sweet days following Valentine's Day.

Relyn's Top Ten Modern Romantic Comedies
(I figure classics like Roman Holiday deserve a list of their own.)

Titles listed from left to right, top to bottom

Strictly Ballroom Absolutely one of my favorite movies. Ever. In any genre.
Beautiful Girls Natalie Portman at 13 and full of promise.
My Cousin Vinny Funny. Very funny.
Sleepless in Seattle Is there anyone who doesn't love this movie?My Big Fat Greek Wedding Watch it sometime with Nia Vardolos' commentary.Pretty In Pink I don't know about you, but I was rooting for Ducky. Who wants a guy who takes you to a horse barn instead of to meet his parents?
The Mirror Has Two Faces The last scene is just what falling in love should feel like.
Dream for an Insomniac I have never met anyone else who has watched this movie, but I love its quirky charm.
Cutting Edge Have you ever seen this one? I love her sniping attitude. And, that he loves her anyway.

#1 Bride and Prejudice The homage to Grease is one of my favorite movie scenes ever.

So, what did I miss? Which movies are your favorite romantic comedies? What about my list? Do you agree? Disagree? Opinions, please.


beth said...

I think this one falls into your category and is one of my all time favorites....

now without the comedy part or just a little bit of it....the best romantic movie ever is...

Jeanne said...

I love your list
Love you
You covered all my favs.

Anonymous said...

I haven't heard of all of them, but I think I can add "You've Got Mail", "Dan in Real Life", "Breakfast at Tiffany's" (my all time fav).

Dutchbaby said...

I am soooo with you on this. Thank you for giving me ideas for my Netflix queue.

Anonymous said...

I was so happy to see "My Cousin Vinny" on your list! I LOVE that movie and laugh out loud every time I see it! Those two together are hilarious!

Relyn Lawson said...

Paris Parfait, I have seen Shop Around the Corner and I love it. It's just delightful. I can't believe I'd forgotten about The Butcher's Wife. That was a seriously fun movie. I loved Mary Steenburgen in that one. Only You almost made the list, it was probably number 11. I just love, love Robert Downey Jr. I may have to watch that one tonight. ~ R

Melinda, I have good news for you. The Vinny DVD is for sale right now at WalMart for $5. Good, hunh?

Dutchbaby, Be sure to tell me which new ones you like, won't you?

Tabitha, I love the scene in Breakfast where she is sitting on the fire escape with a guitar singing Moonriver in that throaty voice of hers.

Jeanne, What's your number one?

Beth, Can you believe it? I've not seen either of these. I'll have to add them to my Netflix queue. Isn't Jude Law in Love Actually? I really like him.

spread your wings said...

"The Holiday" is one of my favorites. oh my goodness, Jude Law is so fine n this one; and George Clooney in "One Fine Day" How sad is it that these are the only 2 DVDs I own?

Anonymous said...

warm fuzzies
and happy endings
growing old!

Patti said...

Oh Oh Oh...I love a good romantic comedy!!! Pretty in Pink of course!!! Then I also love Serendipity (love John Cusack), Runaway Bride, Notting Hill, Music and Lyrics (I sense a Hugh Grant theme going on), Love Actually, Must Love Dogs, You've Got Mail (I LOVE that one), Bed of Roses, Say Anything, and ...16 Candles ( the last scene gets me every time). I know there are tons others but I can not think of them at the moment. Thanks for this post Relyn!

Suvarna said...

excellent list I agree with the ones I've seen, i do so love a good romantic comedy and I would add
Four Weddings and a Funeral
My Best Friends Wedding
Sleepless in Seattle
When Harry Met Sally
just to name a few

veronica said...

"cutting edge" - yes! " toe pick!" i agree on "the holiday". i'm a little bit in love with jude law's character. i don't know if "stranger than fiction" falls into the category of romantic comedy, but it's one of my favorites.

Maithri said...

Ok. I'll admit it....

Im a guy who likes romantic comedies... lol

And i've learnt to say that out loud without any therapy...

Serendipity is beautiful... Also there was one called Sabrina...

I think a belief in romance is a sign of a healthy heart,

At least thats the excuse i'm

Much love to you friend, M

jae said...

If you haven't seen Love Actually you need to run not walk to the store and rent it tonight. One of my all time favorites!

I also really liked The English Patient. Saw it during a sneak preview showing long before anyone had heard of it and just loved it!

My Castle in Spain said...

Oh yes ! who doesn't love romantic movies even if the scenario is all obvious...

mm...can you believe i just only 2 of the movies you're quoting ? My big fat Greek wedding & Pride and Prejudice...

i saw Australia last month with Nicole ! streams of romance and adventure..

i've been watching Moulin Rouge twice in a row yesterday with some friends to get some inspiration from the outfits and i must say, i was feeling so romantic after !

Yes, be romantic my friend because it's one of the sweetest things in life...

linda said...

You can't forget "An Affair to Remember", and even "White Christmas". I've noticed that you've changed your playlist. I love listening to it. I leave it on all day while I'm working. I almost know it by heart!! Thank you for adding beauty to my day!

Anonymous said...

yay, i love this list! i'm not ashamed of my penchant for romantic comedies either. strictly ballroom just showed up on my tivo. i love that one! i'm with other readers who've said notting hill, you've got mail, and the breakfast club. oh man, there are so many others but i can't think of them!
and you asked about the picture above my desk. it is actually by my grandmother who started painted late in her life. my mom brought it home for me after she died, and it is one of my most prized possessions. thank you so much for noticing it.

Ragamuffin Gal said...

Relyn ~ You know this is where you and I have some difference of opinion ~ we do agree on The Mirror Has Two Faces, so keep that in mind and here I go ~*~
When Harry Met Sally, Dan In Real Life, Sense and Sensibility (PBS version and Columbia/Tristar) Music and Lyrics, How to Lose A Guy in 10 Days, Far and Away, Man From Snowy River, The Wedding Date, Sarah Plain and Tall, 10 Things I Hate About You, The Scarlet Pimpernell, and Out of Africa. That's more than 10 oopps,I could go on and on... aren't you glad I didn't? Love you, Katie

PS ~ I was rooting for Ducky too!

Oldies, but Goodies