Monday, April 13, 2009

Hello, Friends

I assure you. I do know that you are not all sitting around with bated breath just wondering when I will return to this little space. I also know that you are probably not clicking here every day just dying to know where I am, what I'm up to, and who won the give away. I know you can, indeed, live without a jolt of Relyn for more than a week. Funny thing is... I'm not sure I can. It's amazing how quickly blogging friends become real world friends. And, how quickly you miss them.

Anyway. It has been quite a week, and promises to be another rough one (or two) coming up. I will return as soon as I can. To my blog. And yours. I do apologize for not finishing up with the giveaway in a timely manner. I meant tomorrow - not last Tuesday. Yeah. Sure. That's what I meant. ;^)

Love and misses,

This lovely image was featured in House Beautiful magazine. Sorry, photographer unknown to me.


d smith kaich jones said...

As a matter of fact, I have been waiting & wondering where you were, what you were up to. Take care, get through this next week or two, and know we will be still be here.

:) xoxo

anna said...

I hope all is well.... I am thinking of the serenity and joy that you bring to others in this space, and wishing you a little of the same for yourself!

beth said...

take care of yourself...and take your time and know that we'll all be here waiting for you...

Joanne said...

Just checking in ... Take care, hope all is well. We'll be here when you get back!

Anonymous said...

Take care hon and be joyful!

spread your wings said...

just this morning I was thinking "I haven't heard from Relyn in a while, I hope everything is ok." I really do miss you and your cheer.
Hope all is well and that we will see you back here soon. Take care my friend.

Char said...

well, since I e-mailed with you this week, I knew you were ok...but we do miss you when you're not around. happens and that's a beautiful thing.

see you when you're back.

Marilyn Miller said...

Miss you and will check back. I will pray you week goes better than expected and you heart finds delights in small things.

BTW, I love your music. Most music I do turn off.

Unknown said...

I completely understand - I am right there with you. In fact I am taking a little blogging vacation this week to get some spring cleaning done in my house, my mind and my heart. Hope your week(s) get better and better and less rough! Lots of love!!!

Cam said...

Absence makes the heart grow fonder. I have been missing you, though!!

Love & Light sent your way, friend!!

We'll talk soon!

Jessica said...

I've been hoping everything has been alright in your woods!! It is that time of year for craziness and madness...I hope things return somewhat to normal soon :)

SE'LAH... said...

You have been missed.

Kirsten Steen said...

So I see I'm definitely not the only one but I actually have been waiting with bated breath~ not for the giveaway but to find out where you disappeared to. Have been missing your comments, your posts and the joy you spread!
Sending much light and love for whatever challenges you are facing.
Know you have been missed!

Unknown said...

Hi Relyn,

Well I, for one, have been on tenterhooks ALL WEEK!!!

Hope you are soon able to get your breath back and that this week goes swimmingly.

Jeanne said...

Hurry back I miss you
Love Jeanne

moonshin said...

hang in there, Relyn.

hope everything turns out alright. can't wait to have you back =)

Lubna said...

Cher, thanks for letting us know that Relyn and family are fine. Some weeks are just chaotic. Hoping things get back to normal soon.

TheChicGeek said...

Take care, Relyn. We miss you too :)

Wendy said...

What do you mean we aren't waiting around? Ha! You give some of us way more credit for having a life than we deserve. ;-)

christina said...

; ) I miss you.

~ ennui ~ said...

I love what I see and read here! Your photo's are beautiful! Cant wait to read more.....

Jeanie said...

I suspect that we all feel being away from our blog for a week or so is harder on us than our readers, but this reader misses you!

Suvarna said...

Me too, I missed coming to your divine space and finding a wonderful surprise, (usually one that puts a big smile on my face). glad your back but hope you don't worry too much about not being here. We all know it just means you are living life! :-)
Be well,

Oldies, but Goodies