Thursday, April 16, 2009

It's the Little Things

This time of year is a difficult one for teachers. Usually, my job leaves me invigorated and excited. Most days, the requirements of wife and mother bring their own pleasures and energy. But, sometimes... Oh, some days I just need more. My to do lists aren't getting any shorter no matter how diligently I work. The demands on my time continue increase, my energy lags, and my family deserves better than they are getting. Do you know what I mean? Haven't you ever wanted to yell, "Stop the world!! I want to get off!!"

When I feel this way, I always remind myself that it's the little things that matter. That there is joy to be had everywhere you go, if you'll only choose delight.

a pretty girl in a pretty dress

presents, just because

cars that smile at you

grade school art

cozy classroom corners

the Pee Pee Dance

really great lessons

the door to my classroom

private jokes

useful, beautiful art

one perfect cupcake

a bucketful of friends

and a winner

or two

Wishing you much joy and delight of your own.

I thought you might like a little peak into my second grade classroom. That purple wall was a doozy to work with, let me tell you. I am thrilled with the happy, perky way it turned out. I love my classroom! Oh, yeah. If you click on some of the pictures, you'll end up visiting some of the wonderful friends I'm talking about. Try it. It's fun.


moonshin said...

i think, the class is great. and i think you are GREAT too.

Relyn, i'll be going for my teaching practical next month - in another country. i'm excited...but scared at the same time.

i don't know if i'm good enough or worthy as a teacher but...i sincerely want to do the best i can to help my future students. and watching you...knowing you...reading your blog, have inspire me even more.

as a teacher, you have a gift that touches people's heart. keep at it, Relyn - doing what you do best. good luck =)

Jeanne said...

Love you
Everything you do is done with so much love. My son starts his teaching of a Grade 7 class in New Zealand on the 28th.
He has also taught in Seoul.
I commend you all for a remarkable jobs with the minds of our furture.
Love and hugs
Love You

Unknown said...

Hi Relyn,

Well done to Veronica and Maithri. They are both worthy winners!

Glad you were able to enjoy lots of little things.

Joanne said...

It looks like you do an amazing job with your students, in a happy way. As for myself, I'll take the cupcake, please, then go for a fun spin in that happy volkswagon! Thanks for the smiles.

beth said...

your kids...students...are so lucky to have you by their side all day !!

teachers are just amazing and yet I still don't believe they get what they deserve in regards to be as fantastic as they are...

thanks for appreciating the small things and taking such great care of the small ones around you...

d smith kaich jones said...

Dearie me, this will be quick - my cat is hovering over my keyboard, and will not move away - I am typing peeking below her left side! LOL! What a wonderful, wonderful classroom you have!! And I am so glad you are back, and really, my cat has become quite pushy! so I must go, but I loved this post, and even this cat is one of those little things. She is making me laugh!

:) Debi

Char said...

what a cute, cute, cute classroom. I love it when teachers really take the time to be personal with the children.

Deanna Bland Hiott PhD, MSN, RN said...

It is so obvious you love what you do. Your students and their parents are very blessed...

SE'LAH... said...

I couldn't stop smiling at each photo. My favourite...the paperbag monster on the board in your class. Love the look on his/her face ;-)

You are awesome !!!

Stacy Hurt said...

I just read your post on Paris Parfait & wanted to let you know (in case you didn't all ready) that blog is wonderful & your daughter the aspiring birder will love it. Sharon's site is very kid friendly and of course has lots of links other birder sites too and tips for young birders.

The art in the blog post here is adorable! Is it yours? *private jokes* is wonderfully captured!

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

What a special teacher you must be! Loved peeking into your classroom and seeing what makes you happy, too.

Jeanie said...

Yes, yes, yes, and yes! And it's wonderful with your music, too! I love the kid-art (my favorite fundraiser is one for art teachers in public schools that auctions the kids art -- they are so proud to see someone pay hundreds of dollars for something that's usually posted on the fridge!

Is your pink bucket from Target? I bought a bunch of those!

spread your wings said...

what a fun classroom it looks like you have - it looks so homey and welcoming. I bet your students hate to move on to the next grade when they have you as their teacher.

Anonymous said...

Your classroom looks so inviting Relyn. Beautiful pictures. :)

Jessica said...

Thank you for the peak into your classroom-it's exactly as I've imagined it--a perfect, loving space for learning and exploring!!

Kirsten Steen said...

Hi Relyn,
Great photos. Hoping you are feeling better. We all have our moments and when the beauty wins again, we wonder how we got so low. You are such a love and I appreciate the beauty you bring!

Lubna said...

Hi Relyn
Thank you so much for sharing. Till date I remember our class 2, teacher, Mrs Branch who made the classroom look so bright and stimulating.
I am sure the kids will remember you always.

Patti said...

Oh Relyn~ First, Welcome back...Secondly, congrats to the lucky winners...Thirdly- I LOVE LOVE LOVE your classroom. What a haven you have created and I know the kids feel the same way! I love how your personal style and passion is all over it- the kids are so lucky to have you as a teacher! I am sure the end of the year is always bittersweet for you (and the students) as you see them off to their summer and release them to a brand new year. Thanks so much for sharing this!!! Glad you are back~

Mrs. E said...

Just found your wonderful blog!! I will become a stalker, I fear. I'm a HS teacher with two daughters who teach--one HS and one 1st grade. Our jobs are so much a part of our lives. I've been teaching for over 30 years and love it!! Thought you might enjoy our Easter weekend trip with the 1st grade teacher.

MrsKraft said...

I stumbled across your mental meanderings during a poetry lesson by my student teacher. I am hooked.
Beautiful words, beautiful thoughts, beautiful pictures.
Thank you so much for this breath of fresh air.
It is much needed on this rainy school day in Kansas City.
~A fellow teacher

Suvarna said...

Oh, what a sweet peek into your world! Your classroom is so colourful and relaxing. I can imagine thnks get pretty frantic this time of year, hope you can find some 'me' time.

Jaime said...

I so wish I had you as a teacher when I was in school. There's no doubt, your students bloom in your classroom.


Oldies, but Goodies