Thursday, June 18, 2009

Yesterday I Saw...

~ the kind of view that is a massage for your soul; a part of my own precious ordinary that I never take for granted

~ banks of tiger lilies creating streamers of orange along the roads

~ a white cow exactly in the middle of a bright green, algae-filled pond. How did that cow get in the exact middle without leaving a wake?

~ a horse rolling around, delightedly scratching himself in the dusty grass. His sock feet waved in the air like a roly poly bug stuck on it's back.

~ two kinds of sunshine


ELK said...

your eyes are seeing beauty and it has made it's way into my heart this the cow I am not sure...wink!

Journey said...

Sunflowers always make me smile!!

d smith kaich jones said...

I love them all, but that cow!!! How wonderful!

:) Debi

Marilyn Miller said...

You are noticing what you notice. I love seeing what you are noticing.

Anonymous said...

love the cow the best.

Joanne said...

What perfect pictures of the good in life, from the expanse of that gorgeous sky to the mystery of the cow. Thanks for bringing them into my life today!

Jeanne said...

Thanks for sharing your world with us
Love Jeanne♥

marjean said...

Simply beautiful...simply wonderful!

beth said...

those cows....they make laugh all the time around here and this one really made me smile !

Mrs. E said...

Two kinds of sunshine is right! I'm a fan of sunflowers, too!

spread your wings said...

beauty all around us - glad you saw so much around you yesterday. i love to see cows in the pasture, this one is funny in the middle of that pond by himself.

Cam said...

Sounds so serendipitous!


Jessica said...

Those are some beautiful sights. Of course you take the time to notice the loveliness around you!

Patti said...

HI~ I love the cow picture- it sure makes one wonder! Isn't it fun to re-see the ordinary everyday treasures? Hope you had a great day today! It sure sounded fun~

Martina said...

Gorgeous pictures and beautifully described! You live in a beautiful place! I love cows...they are so pretty!

Tracy said...

Stunning views, Relyn... makes my soul sing! Happy weekend :o)

Unknown said...

Hi Relyn,

We are fortunate to have views similar to your first picture all around us and I try never to take them for granted.

Latane Barton said...

Peaceful, beautiful pieces of our life, tranquil photos.

the paris apartment said...

What a gorgeous blog! Your world is a wonderland. I love your pictures. The cow is surreal!

Ragamuffin Gal said...

Hi Dear ~
I'm not sure if the world is beautiful around you OR if it is because your eyes see beautiful things, but your words are a perfect description! Blessings! me

Caroline said...

Oh my gosh...that cow! What a lovely day you had...

Sandy K. said...

You have captured a summer day perfectly. And the image of the cow is good for many laughs, and may, "what if's....". Happy weekend!

christina said...

you make my heart thump! deep sigh for love.
; )

Wendy said...

I thought for a second that cow was on the world's largest bed of guacamole.

These shots are perfect for Small Town Snapshot Sunday. You should come and play with us!

Please, please? You'd be so awesome!

Deanna Bland Hiott PhD, MSN, RN said...

I love your precious ordinary...

Char said...

completely gorgeous shots!

georgia b. said...

i love this—especially the diptych with the sun and sunflower. so neat.

i just happened to be scanning your profile page before i clicked on your blog link.

we like SO many of the same movies. it's funny, but i have not watched a movie in sooooo long, because all i ever do with my free time now is look at blogs or write on mine. :(

SE'LAH... said...

You have a great eye, Relyn. How did that cow get there without leaving a wake? He must have been there a long time or perhaps he was gently lowered from a helicopter in that very spot.

Hmmmm ;)

Amanda at 32˙North said...

Hi Relyn!
Thank you for the comment you left on my interview with Tracy. It was wonderful to interview someone so talented and sweet.

I can't get over this picture of the cow in the pond! It almost, at first glance, looks like he's laying on a putting green.

Happy to have found your blog!

TIG said...

Such a lovely day and such beautiful photographs! The epitome of summertime happiness.

Oldies, but Goodies