Oh, I have been away from this project for too long. Thanks to Karen for the idea.
- I believe in love.
- I believe that the first real love, the one that enables us to feel all the rest, is God's great and sacrificial love for us.
- I believe that to have a truly happy life, you must find a job you would continue to do even if you won that proverbial million dollars.
- I believe that serving others is our sacred duty.
- I believe in the lavish giving of sincere compliments.
- I believe that unkindness stems from pain... so be patient.
- I believe that a camera will help teach you to see.
- I believe that everyone has an interesting story to tell; you just need to know how to ask the right questions.
- I believe that the art of listening is a rare gift.
- I believe that common courtesy is a dying art which we need to intentionally revive.
- I believe that real compassion and consideration require noticing.
- I believe in looking in the mirror and smiling. Positive thoughts, people!!
- I believe that the way you choose to dress and groom yourself is a gift to those who see you.
- I believe that America is now, and has always been, a great nation.
- I believe in laughing as much and as often as possible.
- I believe that time really does move faster after you pass 30.
- I believe that encouragement is simply love spoken aloud.
- I believe that to vote is a citizen's greatest privilege and highest responsibility.
- I believe in love. Every day, all the time, love is the gift from which all goodness stems.
- I believe in Sloane and her endless potential.

Happy September, friends. I took this image almost four years ago in Savannah. Oh, I'd love to go back with my big girl camera now.
Wonderful list, as always.
Beautiful, thoughtful list, Relyn... That one at the top gets me most.. I BELIEVE IN LOVE! :o) ((HUGS))
See Him in others
your list is my list...only the children's names have been changed
and thank you for visiting my Wednesday poem..next week I'm going to attempt a Villanelle (sp?)
Love your lists, as always!!!I especially relate to number 8- I say that all the time!
I especially love #19
I love you
I believe you are adorable and sweet.
I believe I love your lists!
I just love your lists...there's always something that makes me want to be a better person...
I am loving your list and wishing I could/would sit down and create one of my own.
You have such a positive outlook, Relyn. You always make me want to slow down and enjoy life more.
And thanks for checking in on me. School is busy, busy, busy, and frustrating at times. I can never understand completely how 8th-graders can still have trouble finding subjects and verbs and those other basic parts of a sentence. The students are mostly all sweethearts, though, so I have a lot to be thankful for.
Great list. I believe you are an awesome person! xxoo
PS regarding #1: I am sure you are probably too young but I believe you need to watch A Star Is Born with Barbra Streisand. :-)
Relyn, this is so unbelievably beautiful. With the music in the background plus your words, I almost teared up! This really speaks to me, especially with some things I am going through right now. Thank you so much!
My stomach squeezed with joy
and I grinned and nodded
from 1 to 20:)
I believe in believing!
I believe that I love your list.
Savannah is a city that always is calling me back.
Simply beautiful!
Yes, the camera does teach us to see more clearly and laughing each day is a must.
And I believe you've summed up the ingredients for a happy and fulfilling life, as the one you are living and share so generously, and the one that you recognize in others, even when they don't' themselves. Beautiful thoughts, Relyn, made more so by sharing with others. xo – g
A wonderful list, straight from the heart, x
this is just beautiful
i believe in so many of the same things. so many.
Lovely to read Relyn! I believe that good friendship needs nurtured.... we need to get together before I'm too old to drive!
this sounds like such a fun project, love this list. how wonderful and uplifting!
I believe that the art of listening is a rare gift.
I love this one especially. And this:
I believe that real compassion and consideration require noticing.
(They are too often overlooked for flashier qualities.)
I haven't been online much the past couple of days so I only got your comment on my blog now. I couldn't find your email on the profile page (I'm not sure if I'm being obtuse and staring at it without recognizing it...) I'd be delighted if you sent me an email :) And I could write back. Just a heads up - I'm going overseas this weekend for a short while, and I'm uncertain about what internet connection I'll have, so if I take some time replying, that's the reason. Best to you and yours.
What a great exercise this is! And your list is full of little reminders for all of us!
Hello! Thank you so much for commenting on my blog. I've really enjoyed catching up on yours and looking at all your beautiful photos.
Beautiful list Relyn, I absolutely share it with you (most of them!). Have a lovely weekend!
This is a fantastic list, Relyn. I can't pick a favorite because I agree with the entire post. I was thinking for a minuite of writing one like it and then changed my mind because I don't think anyone could do a better job!
xo Erin
What a great reminder to think about the things we truly do believe ...
You are so full of love Relyn. I think I tell you this every time I visit, but it's true...you radiate love. I could look at a hundred of other people's versions of this list and I'm certain I would have been able to pick yours out.
I love this list - and this idea. I might have to write my own "believe" list.
Thank you for sharing your heart with us.
Of course I love #2, and all the others, but #17 is special. It's so powerful the way a few kind words can change someone's day, or even their path.
Ohmigoodness, Relyn, beautiful answers :) You are pure love and I am smiling and so thankful for you!
This is just what I needed today :)
Lovely, lovely post!
Hugs :)
Thanks for the smiles and inspiration!
(YES...love-love "Mrs. Palfrey at the Clairmont")
Wonderful list from a wonderful woman. Thanks, Relyn.
LOVE the camera one! And btw, I totally agree with your Attitude of Gratitude comment recently! Totally changes one's outlook. Opens up whole new opportunities and ways of seeing, kind of like the camera!
Hugs to you lovely one, Kirsten
and your friends and family believe in you. beautiful list.
I believe we are drawn together for reasons of the unknown. I believe surrounding yourself with positive loving people is necessary for good health. I believe you are a talented writer and photographer. Thank-you for the visit.
Love your list, especially no. 3 and 7. And that no. 13 ... I have to remember that, even on the days when I don't leave the house ... off to put make up on :)
I LOVE this!!!!
Love, love, LOVE it!
I believe in lists....believe
that listing things helps scoop out your heart in a way
that little else does,
for me anyway.
Thanks for stirring my listing:)
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