Do you believe in luck? I don't. I believe in blessings and natural consequences and serendipity. But, whatever you call it, some things are just great.
Happy Serendipities
a baby's smile
spotting a hot air balloon
discovering a dollar in your coat pocket
meeting the love of your life when you are only 19
buying gum from a machine and having two packs fall out
desperately needing a party dress and finding the perfect one - on sale
a kind soul who invites you to go in front of them in line because you only have a few items
all the times it doesn't rain right after you wash the car
the friend who calls just to say, "I'm thinking of you."
realizing you didn't lose your keys after all
finding a parking place in a crowded lot
not getting a run in your panty hose
winning a blog giveaway
love, any way it comes
spotting a hot air balloon
discovering a dollar in your coat pocket
meeting the love of your life when you are only 19
buying gum from a machine and having two packs fall out
desperately needing a party dress and finding the perfect one - on sale
a kind soul who invites you to go in front of them in line because you only have a few items
all the times it doesn't rain right after you wash the car
the friend who calls just to say, "I'm thinking of you."
realizing you didn't lose your keys after all
finding a parking place in a crowded lot
not getting a run in your panty hose
winning a blog giveaway
love, any way it comes
What are some of your recent blessings?

so many wonderful things
You are lucky indeed.
Love all you share.
Much love
homemade Valentines from faraway friends
sunlight in the midst of overcast days
being here and reading your list ...
two beautiful weeks with someone i love
Finding more than a $1 in my jean jacket (today)...marrying someone who thinks of his family first, himself second...realizing that the reason you don't have the student's poem hanging by your desk any more is because she typed it and saved it on your computer instead.
I don't know that I believe in coincidences, too, but divine synchronicities. I love all of yours!
a soft pillow
Cherry Coke
Cotton knit pajamas
a Good Hair day
I always love to visit. It has been too long!
A blog that always makes you feel so blessed to visit, smelling a babies sweet neck, a bear hug when you really need one...
being here with you and your sweet list. now that just puts my mind in a happy place before i lay me down to sleep. xox
Oh, that last one is the best of all, but I have to say I get the biggest kick when someone lets me cut in front of them in line. I try to make sure I return the favor the next time I'm in line--such small things can make the whole day better. Love to you, sweet friend. xo Gigi
Your blessings just made me smile. Today I am thinking of my dad who I lost 6 years ago on this very day. I feel truly blessed to have had such a wonderful dad. Sending my love and smiles! xxoo
Such sweet serendipities! And no, I don't really believe in luck, either.
I love it!
Finding friends in the most unexpected of places . . . that's a blessing that's always a surprise!
Ooo... so many lovely things, Relyn! For me..Valentine card in the mail-- sweet snail mail, a new hair cut, turquoise eyeshadow and the courage to wear it--yes! ;o), date night with my hubby, planning a trip to Vienna in April, painting in my studio, hot chocolate, sending extra pennies to Red Cross, love... always love! Happy Weekend, my friend ((HUGS))
+ i would add,
personal words
from relyn.
awww...i love this and I loooove the photo, too! i have missed you.
"happy serendipities"
....what a great way to say it!
having my camera with me
and ready to shoot
when something wonderful happens
is one of my favorites:)
love and more joy to you,
Having good conversations with people.
The prospect of a museum visit coming up soon with a friend I haven't seen in a while.
Someone I love very much still managing to hang in there; I pray for him every day, and for his health to get better. He's very loved.
Being able to write and walk. I can't take those for granted. I've started volunteering again at nursing homes, and there are many reasons I love doing so, but one of them is that it helps me not take basic skills and gifts for granted.
As you say in your post - love. And good people. Speaking of which, thank you for stopping by my blog and sharing your thoughts on the posts. I love the painting you recommended, A Woman's Work by John Sloan.
Can't agree more.
I might add.. leaving your Mastercard at the nail salon and having it returned to you safely. Also having a knight come to the rescue when you have a flat tire at the side of the road on a extremely hot summer day.
Love all of these wonderful things, and so much more! Glad to see you!
I loved reading this...I agree with you, you made me smile!
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