Monday, December 1, 2014

Drink: December Reflections

 Susannah is at it again, and I am playing along.  Each day in December I'll post a photo to go along with her prompt. Today's prompt is drink.

 My school district has something called late start for mornings when the roads are bad, but will clear up by mid-morning.  Every year for our first late start, I toss out all the plans and have a snow party.  I make my class hot chocolate served with mini-marshmallows and candy canes.  We read snow books together all morning.  For a little science we learn about Snowflake Bentley.  After that, I teach them how to cut really fantastic paper snowflakes.  We end the day by hanging a blizzard in our classroom. Best day of the year.  Every time.


S. Etole said...

What a fun teacher you must be.

Jennifer Richardson said...

gives me that cozy snow day feeling
just thinking of it:)
thank you for being the teacher
we all dreamed of,

Mac n' Janet said...

Super idea.

Kirsten Steen said...

Oh my goodness...what a sweet face! And what a great idea! Wish you'd been one of my teachers!

Marilyn Miller said...

What a wonderful celebration. Can I come and play too? You are indeed a very special teacher.

Oldies, but Goodies