Friday, October 2, 2015

Friday Faves

an old, old image - I took this one before I even owned a DSLR

* Film Fancies: Monsters, a music video by Sarah MacLachlan

* To Try: 17 Small Tweaks

* Song of the Week: Autumn Leaves by Nat King Cole, of course

* Great Read: Slightly Foxed a Reader's Quarterly for the bookish among us

* Anticipating: My Mom has been traveling for two weeks.  I can't wait for her to get home on Tuesday!

* To Make You Think: Someday by The Minimalists

  * In Case You Missed It: This One's For Jaime

* Some Things I Love: the way my heart starts skipping as the temperatures start dropping, the Harvest Moon, Nat King Cole and other crooners, words, dictionaries, ordering a new planner, my new 85mm lens, beautiful films, bokeh, the way pumpkins and mums are beginning to pop up on porches

Happy weekend, friends!


alexa said...

Another great list. That post on Someday was chilling! Hoping you have a lovely weekend.

beth said...

i've been looking for a new planner and so far i have't found anything i like….so the search is on…and then the excitement begins :)

Jennifer Richardson said...

I love what you love.
And how you share:)
Thanks for making my world richer
and more beautiful,

amelia said...

I can't wait for the temps to drop a bit. I thought it would be this week--looking on my phone I thought the highs were going to be in the upper 40s, lower 50s. Then I realized I was looking at Stockholm. Sigh. Huge disappointment. :)

With that, a good week to you!

joyce said...

Had a listen to your song and it makes me want to go out and buy a Nat King Cole CD, I love crooners too but never really listened to him. Thank you!

Oldies, but Goodies