Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Lemonade, anyone?

I had a lousy day at work today. The kind of day that makes you rethink your entire career. The kind that makes you wonder why you even bother when nothing you do or give is ever enough. It was one of those Please-God-let-tomorrow-be-better-or-I-quit days. Just a flat out YUCKY day. Never mind the details, I already lived them once. Anyway, the details don't matter. You know the kind of day I mean. We all have them, though I wish that weren't true.

I absolutely could not spend my evening brooding on all that had gone wrong. Instead, I decided to find good things to think about. Things I enjoy. Things I am grateful for. Moments of goodness and inspiration right now - in spite of the day I've had. Here they are. From me to you for the next time you have a day when you wish you had just stayed in bed.
  • These words.

  • My friend, Katie's phrase, "When life hands you lemons... Go buy a purse."

  • Flickr in general, and this view especially.
  • This song, which is so very Jeffrey. (Please ignore the video and just listen to the song.)
  • A friend recently gave birth to a gorgeous, healthy, longed-for baby girl. Welcome, dear Ava.
  • These springtime pictures.
  • One perfect candy bar.

  • This huge pile of books waiting for me. I've read a bit of each book, so I already know I will love them.

  • This face.

Even when the day is long. Even when your heart is heavy, your mind sore, your body weary. Even when your spirit feels bruised. Even then, life is good.
Sursum corda -lift up your heart.


tangobaby said...

Awww, it will get better. Look how many wonderful things you found to share with us.

It's much cheaper to buy a lipstick than a purse, though. I have a LOT of lipsticks from days like this.

Have a good day tomorrow. Your friends are thinking about you.

studio wellspring said...

your blessings are wonderful treasures, and thanks so much for sharing them with us.
when life hands me lemons, i buy shoes. or take a power walk. {whichever my bank account allows at the moment}. remember, too: faith, hope and love ~ no one can ever take these away from your innermost being without your permission. :o)

Anonymous said...

Awww thanks! Well, now YOU have made my day. :)
I've been enjoying your other finds. Mother Teresa's advice is good - but then, she was the definition of GOOD, wasn't she? ;p And your friend, Katie, is a wise woman. I have a drawer and a box full of "lemons" in my bedroom. Maddie of your Flickr view is so talented, isn't she? She writes so beautifully, too. I'm going to be meeting her for the first time in two weeks - fun! Becoming a Foodie has such beautiful photography with her posts, doesn't she? Hooray for Ava! And chocolate...mmmmm...especially daaark chocolaaate... I don't recognize any of those books so you'll have to write reviews after you read them, ok? And look at that cutiepie face! Looks like she made some toothfairy cash recently, too. :)
Hope you are having a good week!

Maryam in Marrakesh said...

Sursum corda, indeed. I love that expression.

Phyllis Hunt McGowan said...

A most beautiful way to get perspective on a difficult day or rough part of life. Thank you for sharing.

julochka said...

that's really a lovely way of recovering from a bad day. i'll do my bes to recall it next time i'm having one! thank you!

P said...

That's a lovely expression...

Well, I can't say I haven't had quite a few of those days recently myself. It's sometimes difficult to shake off, but I agree that it helps to look upon beauty to lifts one's spirits.

Oldies, but Goodies