I find that all around me bloggers have fully embraced the new year. They seem plunge in head first, ready to be immersed in the new. Not me. I find that I let go slowly. That it takes me a few weeks to uncurl my fingers and let go. I find that my internal calendar doesn't reset to a new year until three or four weeks in. I guess I have to enter it slowly, like a child at the edge of a cold sea.
Lately I find myself thinking of post ideas that are all rearview-focused. Then I think that I should be forward facing. But, no. No. It's fine that I want, even need, to savor 2009 before fully facing 2010. And, that's exactly what I shall do. This is my own heart's space, after all.
So. For the next week or so, you will find me here with a savoring of 2009. And after that, I'll be ready to let go and more fully embrace 2010.
I think.
I don't know if you have noticed, but I have been trying to use my own photographs more in this space. I miss "featuring" so many wonderful images. But, I have been enjoying the challenge of creating my own images to match my thoughts.
Much love
I am slowly taking down the tree and getting ready for Valentine's Day
2010 will be a year of MAGIC
Love you
Hey...its fine to hang on to 2009 before moving ahead and focusing totally on 2010....before we know it..we will find ourselves inovolved in the happenings of this new year, so savor 09 while you can!!!
My hats off to you on featuring more of your own photos in your blog! Keep up the good work girl!!
I think I've jumped in head first, but I still haven't bought at 2010 calendar. Now what does that say?
Hi Relyn,
I think most of us bring along bits of the old year while settling into the new. Nothing wrong with that.
Dear Relyn,
in a way i share this feeling too, although i'm ready to dive into 2010 but i still haven't bought a new agenda!
take it easy...after all January is a slow month
Obviously, GOD has much to teach all of us through you regarding the lessons you have/are learning from 2009. We eagerly look forward to the journey with you.
Blessings, andrea
I am always willing to listen whether its back logged or to the date its been a delight, I seem to catch on well after the wave as well...sometimes I want to see how others make it through I guess.
I'm one who plunged in head first. 2009 was a beautiful year for me, but I think the excitement of what this new year holds lead me to run to it.
I love the idea of slowly entering into the new year, new day or new ideas.
I like that you are sharing your own images to match your thoughts. That is a challenge.
Thanks for sharing holding onto 2009 awhile. I wanted to share more about Christmas, but once it was past I felt I couldn't do that anymore. I have indeed jumped into 2010, as there is always so much to do with end/first of the year bookkeeping and tax preparations. Not my favorite thing to do.
I will look forward to your sharing of your "heart's space" as you move into the new year.
This is a brilliant analogy: "I guess I have to enter it slowly, like a child at the edge of a cold sea."
As for 2009, savor it for as long as your heart needs to, for it doesn't come around again.
A little more savoring of the year past... I like that! I've plunged into the New Year, but my mind is still lingering with thoughts, images and sweet sensations of 2009. We let go when we're ready. :o) Happy Week, Relyn ((HUGS))
Sometimes we are so future oriented we forget to savor what is and what was ... and then, what will be
So nice that you are using your own images as they are beautiful. I think it's good to savour and ponder the past. It gives us a base from which we can jump into the new.
I like the photos you are using! I think you have to do what suits you. Because we travel at the end of the year, I'm always ready to be home, start fresh...get organized. I actually love the beginning of the new year, but I also don't like to wish my life away!
Does it count that you're still hanging on to 2009 when you can't remember to switch the year until the end of January?!! You hold on as long as you like, girl!
I completely understand....sometimes it isn't easy to just throw out the old and dive into the new!
Enjoy the transition....
I'd say part of any new beginning is wrapping up the ending that preceeded it...I do better with a little weaning as well...More of a "transition sentence" approach...
I took a long run today and found myself even ruminating about long past...for better or worse...and how it's brought me to where I am now...for better or worse.
As much as I'd like to turn back the pages sometimes and make different choices, much like we use to do as children with our "Choose Your Own Ending" books when we didn't care for the outcome of the choice we made, I know I can't, that I just have to start where I am and work with what I've got, not necessarily picking new cards or wishing for different cards but playing the cards I have with a little more skill hopefully this time around...
...as usual, I digress...me and my "blah blah blah"-ing...Brevity was never my gift...I really should work on that in the new year.
; )
Oh I totally agree. As much as this new year excites me, 2009 was such a great year for me and I have not fully been able to let go either.
And by the way, I think the name of your blog is just the best thing ever.Who would not want to read a blog with a name like this one??
I love the concept of gently unfolding into the new year. However, I guess I didn't exactly do that myself. In fact, (I'm ashamed to say) - I was up blogging New Year's Eve - and intentionally posted my blog at 12:01 01-01-10, just because I COULD! hahaha
Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos with us... I was just going to ask you if they were yours or whether you spent $$ to have access to stock photos. You do beautiful work, Relyn!!
2009 was such a terrific year--worth savoring for some time!
I look forward to your savoring! Do so for as long as you wish. :)
Such a beautifully apt photo.
i love you for this - that you dont just follow the crowd. look forward to your looking back.
me too...always just ease into it...glad to see you using your photos
What a wonderful year you have had Relyn! I would hold onto 2009 as well. 2009 was not a good year. 2010 did not start off well, but I am hopeful.It takes me awhile as well to ease into the new year. No calendar yet for me (I have it just not up) and in the meantime I have missed about 3-4 birthdays and am relying on my memory for activites and dates. Yikes!!!
thats a perfect way to do it!!! hope you had a beautiful warm snuggly Christmas!!! lots & lots of loveliness for the past & the future...& for today, may it be a truly lovely one!!!
we're not ahead and you're not behind...we are all on a path of exactly where we need to be...at our own speed, with out own thoughts....
Is that why I almost write '010 as the date instead of '10? I just have trouble uncurling the leading zero out of my hand? Maybe I'm looking 18,000 years ahead to 20010.
Well that makes sense to me, I'm still covering my wedding and I'll be posting about my travels for weeks :)
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