How could I choose any poem but this?
May your day be full of love, my friends. Full of love.
Sonnet 116
Let me not to the marriage of true minds
Admit impediments. Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove:
O no! it is an ever-fixed mark
That looks on tempests and is never shaken;
It is the star to every wandering bark,
Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken.
Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks
Within his bending sickle's compass come:
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,
But bears it out even to the edge of doom.
If this be error and upon me proved,
I never writ, nor no man ever loved.
~ William Shakespeare

And my favorite kissing picture: Le Baiser de l'Hotel de Ville, Paris by Robert Doisneau, 1950
I'm up late making a Valentine card for Todd. Really! I forgot to make one, and I ALWAYS make him one, so here I am all bleary-eyed cutting out little hearts.
Just wanted to drop by and wish you the sweetest of Valentine's days. Your comment over at my blog tonight meant the world to me. I have many blessings to count, with you right there among them.
Love this sonnet, of course. I'm thinking about Neruda's sonnets tonight, too, and the sonnets of ee cummings. Nobody thinks of him as a sonneteer, but he wrote loads of 'em, and some of the prettiest love sonnets ever. Sigh. Valentine's Day + poetry= big love.
xoxo Gigi
Beautiful Relyn, I wonder why I did not like Shakespeare in school and love his works now, maybe because I now understand. Thanks for making my early morning. Happy Valentines to you. Much love wished your way.
*BIG SWOON*...one of my Shakepeare favorites. I've been reading more poetry in recent days...love poetry especially. :o) Thank you so much for the very beautiful Valentine wishes at my blog, Relyn...my heart goes boom! Wishing you & yours the sweetest, love-filled day, my friend! :o) ((BIG HUGS))
I love you
Happy Valentine's Day
The Greatest thing you will ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.
Love Jeanne♥
oh that billy....he had such a way with words !
and happy valentines day to you my sweet friend, who knows how to make everyone smile and relax and who brings laughter when there isn't any....
and those truffle girls you have me hooked on...swoon...what a fresh breath of air they are !
I couldn't help but do another one today :)
Thank you for your very special comment on arise 2 write. You are the best.
Blessings, andrea
Thanks for the V-day wishes! Love your choice of poem for today. (They don't get much better!) Wishing you love!
I love, love, love that picture. And what a beautiful poem to go with it. I actually swooned! Happy Valentines Day to you and yours!
What a lovely poem for today.... I hope your Valentine's Day is just what you're looking for.
Thank you, Relyn, for this beautiful post and for your sweet Valentine on my site as well : ) That was just lovely......
I love this photo too....So terrific, such a treat : )
(also loved "Gigi's" idea about making a card instead of buying one....wish I'd thought of that! Maybe it's not too late : ) )
Happy <3 day, Relyn : )
beautiful - i've always loved that shot and have wanted to do something like that.
That is the most romantic picture. I'd love to know their story...
Thank you for sharing such wonderful thoughts about love. I hope you have a beautiful Valentine's Day!
JoLyn, Let's write it. Seriously, let's write their story and all post it on the same day. This is a great idea! More soon - time to leave for church.
Thanks for reprinting this lovely sonnet. It's been years and years since I read it. Perceptive and deft, Young Will. I love to imagine being in his presence. It must have been something else.
ah yes...a sonnet of love and wow the image to match today!!
Love that picture! Happy Valentine's Day! ♥
A perfect choice on a beautiful day. I hopw yours is filled with love.
Hope your day is full of love.
thank you for your visit .... and for sharing this beautiful pairing
happy valentines day, sweetness. may love always surround you. : )
Willie S. has words that stand the test of time. I enjoyed reading the poem on this "day of love".
Hope you have a wonderful day (with some chocolate in it!).
What is a love day without a love sonnet? Beautiful! Wishing you much love on this Valentine's, and all the days to follow.
Oh, that's a beautiful choice for today! Happy Valentine's Day!
Thanks for your really lovely comments (and your giggles)! There really is no one better to write a Valentine's Day poem than Shakespeare. And what a great picture :-). Have a GREAT day!
Thanks for stopping by and leaving the lovely comment. Happy Valentine's Day to you! I hope your year continues to be filled with beautiful things.
Oh im so happy about your beautiful photography goal that you shared with us!!! especially the one in the sidebar is gorgeous!!!
& i love this poem!!! i just watched sense & sensibility yesterday!
sweet wishes
oh, my heart!
i love love love this sonnet. it's what made me fall in love with shakespeare way back in college.
(i was an english major holding steadfast to my belief that shakespeare was overrated. this sonnet converted me.)
what a beautiful reminder today...thank you!
Relyn! Thankyou for your heart day wish - It became a beautiful day! Thankyou also for sweet words about my art :-)
It is cosy here at your fire. I am imagining we are sitting out under the dark sky... but it just hit me that we could just as well had been sitting inside in rockingchairs infront of the fireplace... I like both options.
Olga in Sweden
Happy belated Valentine's! I love this Sonnet, very special as my Granny had it read at her wedding. Hope you're all keeping well, Hugs, Catherine x
I love your idea...let's do it!
Such a sweet picture! Wonderful words of love. Have a week full of love.
Yes, this is the ultimate poem for Valentine's Day, just perfect! Thank you so much for your visit and beautiful wish. I was very touched to receive it and return it to you in abundance! I'm delighted to know you! xo
it's perfect! did you enjoy your day? lots of love to you!
What a great inspiration for today! Love the picture and the poem that so accurately put love into perspective.
Please make sure to stop by my blog today to enter a great giveaway.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Shakespeare is so perfect for Valentines' day. In high school we had an assignment to read his sonnets aloud to ourselves...so powerful!
Oh! That is one of my favorite kissing photos too! I gave the print to a friend as a wedding gift years and years ago.
I hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day! You are loved.
Love sonnets melt me.
Be still my beating heart.
Hope you enjoyed your day of love.
Le Baiser de l'Hotel de Ville, my FAVORITE. In fact, I have a large framed print hanging on the wall behind me! A beautiful post :)
I've discovered your blog through JoLyn and it's simply wonderful. Shakespeare is a love and the photo wonderfully romantic.
Your list idea sounds like such fun, too. I look forward to your future posts.
PS -- First, I just noticed this photo was outside Hotel de Ville, which was a spot I passed every single day (sometimes two or three times!) when I was in Paris!
Second, you asked about the Maisie Books -- I don't know my favorite. Possibly this one (Among the Mad) or the first. Although the one with the gypsies was very compelling to me, following Doreen and Billy and watching Maisie discover that part of her heritage.
That last comment makes no sense. I was having trouble getting my first comment to post (blogger kept telling me stuff!) Basically, it was that I loved this poem -- and sonnet!
It's my favorite KISSING PICTURE too!!! I bought a huge framed print of this gloriously romantic photo over 20 years ago...it is hanging in my art room to this day...love it...makes my heart all warm and fuzzy feeling :-)
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