Week 23 of the Wednesday lists.
Tomorrow is it. I turn 40 and my self-imposed time limit is up.
39 Things To Do Before I Turn 40 (gulp!)

Photo of me taken by the photographer formerly known as Tangobaby.
Tomorrow is it. I turn 40 and my self-imposed time limit is up.
I have to admit it, I am bummed that I didn't accomplish everything.
But, the truth is, number 39 kind of eclipsed everything else and my mind was suddenly
all on my new camera. Nothing else really grabbed my attention again. Thank God for another year.

The BIG List updateBut, the truth is, number 39 kind of eclipsed everything else and my mind was suddenly
all on my new camera. Nothing else really grabbed my attention again. Thank God for another year.

39 Things To Do Before I Turn 40 (gulp!)
- write that article and try to get it published not sure why I didn't...
- get back to doing this brilliant idea
bake some bread from scratchstart saving for a Big Girl Camera- do this
read at least three professional books from cover to cover instead of just dipping in and stealing ideas- make my Blog Camp St. Louis idea really happen maybe this coming year...
read a book in a genre I never read ie. a biography instead of a memoirbuy and play with a fun camera; Polaroid, Holga, or Fish Eye- interview my father-in-law and capture the real version of the story I want to write tried to do this one, but funerals and hospitals took precidence
have a real life pen pal- take a class and learn a new skill I have a photography class scheduled
finally let go of some of those magazines I still have horded- get settled in and feel at home in our new church
eat Indian food again- make walking a regular habit we have been doing this, but not long enough for me to count it
- meet in person at least four new blogging friends tried hard on this one, too
attend this- find the perfect apple crisp recipe and bake often for Jeffrey still on the quest for perfect
spend an entire afternoon in the hammock- buy a vintage record player I tried, but can't find one
go see Wicked (or another Broadway show)take a weekend trip with Mom and Dad to an unexplored Missouri destinationhave my own Moo cards madefind a way to turn my blog into book form- go visit Grammy
take an online course- participate in some street art of my own
- start up date nights again
- begin art journaling
host a swap on my blogdetails Fridaymake a gift for someone- read all the forgotten books that are living on my shelves one down, eight to go
buy Photoshop Elements- learn Photoshop Elements anybody else as intimidated by this as I am?
read all of Jane Austen's novelswrecka journal- transfer all my home videos to DVD oops! didn't even get started
try something I absolutely think I can not do

Photo of me taken by the photographer formerly known as Tangobaby.
Happy Birthday! I think you've done a great job on your list! Love, love, love your photo today!
Happy birthday to you! :) And truly, 40 is not the dreaded age after which everything goes downhill. Not EVERYTHING. ;) I have to say that in many ways, life is BETTER since turning 40. Be happy and live your life well. It's all up to you! :)
happy birthday Relyn!!
great list, wishing that 40 brings you everything you wish for.
Looks as if you've accomplished nearly all of your pre-40 goals, my friend.
Tangobaby's portrait of you is fabulous!!
Happy Birthday!!! (gosh, I wish I was just now turning 40)
Happy Birthday!
And, it looks like you've done a great job! Did you start it when you turned 39? Or earlier?
I just turned 36, so maybe if I give myself four years I could do this much.
PS Scott Kelby's books for Photoshop Elements are excellent. I bought it, read it, experimented, and now feel pretty comfortable in PSE. I also have a few of my own tutorials up on my blog.
Happy Birthday. Have a nice day and a great year.
Much love and many blessings
You did very well
Happy Birthday tomorrow
Love Jeanne
Happy Birthday!! You are now 30 with 10 years' experience ;-) xxx
I'm not going to get through my list either. Ah well. So shoot us!!
Happy Birthday! I think you got quite alot of you list accomplished. I don't think I could even get past the list making stage.
hope you have a lovely birthday.
looks like you did a great job on doing what you could. :) i would totally meet you and we could work on getting that crumble recipe right.
i don't do elements but i'm pretty good at photoshop so maybe i could help a bit.
happy happy happy birthday!
Wow, what a packed list - I'm amazed you achieved so much. So should have done this pre turning 30 but most of my time was spent being fat and pregnant!
Utterly intimidated by Photoshop. Completely.
Happy birthday, you look gorgeous in your picture.xx
Wishing you the happiest of birthdays, dear Relyn! I'm impressed by all you have accomplished on your list. And I'm sorry I'm partly responsible for messing up #17. Next year for sure! Expect a little package from me today or tomorrow. love and hugs. xo – g
I've tried the apple crisp mix and jars of apples from Cracker Barrel and it's oh-so-good for a quick fix and a kiss from my honey. Try it soon.
I'm still working on my 49 before 50 ... I figure that yes, the 50 has arrived, but at this stage I can take two years to finish it if I like because it is MY list afterall. Happy happy happiest of birthdays my friend!
Love your list and I think you have done extremely well on it! It's too late for me to start a list of 59 before I turn 60 as that happens in just a few months...but maybe 69 before I turn 70:) That would give me 10 years!
I got PSE 8 for Christmas last year and I am still learning lots about it...I am finding Kim Klassen's online class "The Skinny" fun and easy to understand...
Happy Birthday!
The happiest of Happy Birthdays to you dear friend! You have accomplished many things on and off this list you can be very proud of. I always tell my son lists are never meant to be finished you always need to carry something over for a rainy day. Much love to you!
Congrats on all of your lovely accomplishments...that is certainly a list of "big" stuff. I'd be fortunate to check off just one of those in a year! Great job!Happy Birthday to an inspiring and beautiful person!!
happy birthday precious one! i think you have done a good job on that list. just make extended for 10 more years and you can do it!
your beautiful photo is wistful
dreamy and happy
I guess making a list and checking off
has been good to you
i sure am happy I found your loving blog...happy Birthday Relyn
and I'm with Willow...40 sounds great...heck 50 sounds great
celebrating your life with all my heart, Relyn......so very grateful for the gift of it.....
Happiest birthday, friend, and a very happy new year to you.
Happy Birthday! I hope you have a day filled with love, joy and good news! As for your list, you need to focus on all the wonderful things you did do and not those you didn't. You also probably did wonderful things that weren't even on your "wish list"!
A Very Happy Birthday, Relyn. You're still a spring chicken! And you've achieved a great part of your list. Congratulations!
Maybe you didn't get everythign marked on your list in your 30s ... so you have a few to add to your 40s. It's all good--after all, you're just getting started!
Happy Birthday Relyn!!! You have made an awesome dent in your list of things to do! I am so impressed. I had a somewhat unrealistic list of things to do before I turned 50 and am approaching 52 and just getting to some of those items!
Have a happy day and an extra special year. I am about to purchase Photoshop Element, now I am scared. A challenging list for sure. Good luck with the continuation.
Wishing you a happy birthday! I've just been visiting Georgianna and she thought best wishes for your special day would be nice - even from strangers! :-)
If I may say, 40's & 50's are good, you know who you are by then. A year & a bit will see me staring 60 in the eye and I'm ready for the challenge.
Enjoy your birthday.
sweet relyn,
i am so inspired by your list. seriously. perhaps it's the end of my thirties as well but i've started looking at these types of lists as amazing ways to figure out how to get what i want out of my life. i'm gonna have to write my own.
Well darling Relyn, today is your birthday, so.... HAPPY, JOYFUL, BLESSED BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!
Sweet Georgianna said it was your day so I came to visit you.
from Chile,
maria cecilia
WHOA.....how did i miss it ?
how did i miss your birthday ?
WELL, i hope it was the happiest. EVER !
Don't worry about the list- just start a new one! You got tons crossed off- be proud of THAT! had to laugh...Photoshop scares me. I spent the summer TRYING to learn it bc I really want to take a Susan Tuttle class, but I know so little even after playing and reading and playing some more. Very frustrating program, I think. Art journaling....ME TOO! I have probably every book on the subject...but alas- NO art journal or PAGE to speak of. I have a similar list going for 50 (which is coming fast). ALMOST did the parasailing- had the the appt and everything, but it rained and was cancelled. That is my BIG disappointment from the list. Oh well... something to look forward to for 51.
Happy Birthday Beautiful!!!!!
Wow...I am so impressed that you stuck with your list and crossed off so many things!
I always have the best of intentions with lists like this, and I'm all gung ho in the beginning, only to fizzle out shortly after.
A well lived life you lead. Wishing you a year of abundant love, my friend.
happy birthday, my dear friend.
Happy happy (belated) birthday!
I hope your 40th year is full of magic and delight and wonder. And love.
I'm so glad I found you in blogland. Your blog always makes me feel like I've settled into a comfy chair for a thoughtful and beautiful and loving chat.
I really love your list.... I think i need to make one like this. I believe you can achieve more when you actually write things down.... its the first step.
Thank you for inspiring me! For making me think about what I want to make happen.
ps Mine will have to be before I am 50!
Love Karenx
How forgetful of me!!! I forgot to say I hope you had a lovely lovely birthday.
Thank you for visiting my blog.... I am so glad I became a 'follower' here!
So belated! But I love how you've been working on your list!
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