Last night I got plenty of sleep. This morning Jeffrey massaged my feet for ages. We all snuggled and talked. A good morning, right? So what's wrong with me? Why do I feel vaguely out of sorts and "off". What's wrong??
Then I visited Debi and I remembered. The front of my mind (that's how I describe it to my students) finally remembered what the back of my mind had known all along. Today is September 11. Today I feel sad for all the children growing up without a Mommy or a Daddy. Today I feel sad for all the people who lost someone, who still ache. Today I feel sad for our nation and our loss of innocence, of naivety.
I've written before about September 11. I've written about September 12. I think I did better then than I can do today. Today I'm just sad.

I feel for you and for all those who lost so much on that day that changed the world.
Thank you for the beautiful memorial. We should never forget ... and yet, we so often do...
That day I couldn't cry. It was important to be strong, to stay with friends. This morning, I cried - MSNBC always reruns The Today Show broadcast of that day in real time, all morning. This morning, when the 2nd building fell, I cried. I remembered my niece - 4 at that time - asking why people would fly planes into a building.
We will never forget.
A beautiful memorial and reminder. Thank you.
Thanks! The song that has been going through my mind in memory is "Let there be peace and let it begin with me". That was my post for today.
I got up wondering what would honor
those who have lost so much
and couldn't shake the thought
that so many people left hurriedly
that morning, rushing through their
goodbyes, and would give anything to see those dear faces once again.
So I remember again to see and hear
and appreciate and love extravagantly
and on purpose. Now.
And that feels like defiance against
the ugliness poured out that day.
So I say to you, dear Relyn,
how much I've come to love and
appreciate you and the joy you bring.
Thanks for sharing even when
your heart feels gimpy.
"the loss of innocence"....yeah, that's what it was for me too, Relyn.....This hopeful romantic donned layers of armor that day and in the days following....armor I would love to shed...armor that feels heavy, that feels false and unearth the wonderful that would be.....
so with you, my friend.....thanks for the soul share here....
I know what you mean. It helped me to go out and remember it with other people. This was the first year I did that. It's okay to be sad. It was a very sad day. *hugs*
I don't know why I did it, but I had to watch some of the documentary coverage. I had to see it to believe it, to hear those voices. And yes, sadness is the word.
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