Wednesday, October 26, 2011

another BIG list

Week 43 of the Wednesday lists.
I have a confession to make before I share my list for this week. Two years ago I wrote a BIG List and it was energizing and wonderful. Last year? Well, I... uh.... well... OK, OK, I wrote one and then didn't do a thing. Actually, I did one thing. And it was the most important one, but still... I have no idea why. I guess I was preoccupied with other things. But, it's a new year (my years always begin in October) and I find myself full of energy and optimism.

Kodex No.1

41 things to do before I turn 42
  1. paint my front door & shutters & add new house number
  2. submit an article to the Somerset family of magazines
  3. buy a Lisa Leonard necklace
  4. create at least one lesson a week for the Smart Board
  5. turn Keri's 100 ideas into a regular blog feature
  6. meet at least two new blog friends in person
  7. write and MAIL at least one letter a week
  8. plan and host a parent night for my students and their families
  9. interview my father-in-law about his childhood
  10. spend my time well this year
  11. take four camera classes at my local photography store
  12. attend the theater at least twice
  13. create and hang my inspiration board
  14. make walking a daily habit
  15. have at least 5 paid photoshoots this year
  16. plan and attend an artsy-crafty art night for 4 or 5 girlfriends
  17. learn how to quilt
  18. be brave and attend the women's retreat this year
  19. transfer all my home videos to DVD
  20. finally find the perfect apple crisp recipe and bake often for Jeffrey
  21. tearoom date with Dulcy
  22. call my mother every day
  23. go visit Grammy
  24. write thank you notes promptly all year long!
  25. participate in some street art of my own
  26. have at least five weekends this school year with absolutely no working
  27. have a date night at least once a month
  28. begin art journaling
  29. mail out Christmas cards this year - on time - not in February
  30. read all the forgotten books that are living on my shelves
  31. begin to learn Photoshop Elements - at least learn how to put a logo on my photos
  32. finally finish compiling all of Sloane's Friday Album (a picture every Friday from her first year of life)
  33. spend more time with my brother, Persephone, and her Mom
  34. spend real time with my parents at least once a week
  35. begin a girls cooking night with Sloane
  36. make and purchase a book of my blog's greatest hits
  37. go cliff jumping with Sloane and Jeffrey at Johnson's Shut Ins
  38. attend at least two concerts
  39. frame and hang all pictures I've collected
  40. family trip to Disney
  41. do something I absolutely think I can not do
What's on your list? Go ahead, inspire me.

The photo is one of Jeffrey's favorites of mine.


Anonymous said...

I love your lists. Some of these are on my "things to do" list, too. One of these days I'm going to frame and hang all of my favorite pictures...and go to Disney, etc. Good luck!

Lubna said...

1) Stick to my faith in a higher power
2) Continue to collect story books for underprivileged kids
3) Budget money for donating to my favourite NGOs/NPOs
4) Be regular in exercise - walk/run on the beach as often as possible, at least once a week
5) Spend more time with my parents
6) Meet friends more often, instead of just interacting with them in cyberspace -- try out a monthly date with each set of friends
7) See if I can get a travel article published during the year
8) Buy a digital camera (my blackberry camera isn't working)
9) Visit Kerala by next December
10)Send thank you cards or cheer up cards to people

Anonymous said...

this is a great list. lots of things here that i would love to do myself.

alexa said...

Gosh, I wouldn't know how to fit all that in! But you're making me want to try a list of my own (which would be rather more modest, alss).

Anonymous said...

Your warmth transmits through this cold electronic web and brings a smile to my heart,

Bless ya beautiful! ;)


Amy said...

Oh, we do so share a lot . . . include the "100 ideas." I'm planning something similar for my blog next year!

And since we do share so much, I hope I'm one of the blog friends you meet in person! :)

Anonymous said...

You are much more ambitious than I am!

I'd just be satisfied if I found the perfect shade of lipstick before my next birthday. Or lost five pounds by Thanksgiving.

Small things-- which would make very happy, indeed.

Jennifer Richardson said...

Your lists inspire me.
I'm making the top of my list
"be gentle with myself"
this year.
Every day.
In every circumstance.
My heart needs this
and so do the people watching me.
Funny how I can be so
hard and harsh
with me.

beth said...

you have no idea how much i love your idea.
happy birthday early in case i miss the day !

Sweet Tea said...

This BIG list is very inspiring, but
I think a BIG list would intimidate me. I do better to aim at just a few things then make a new list when I've accomplished those things. Good luck with accomplishing all you want to achieve.

miruspeg said...

Hello Relyn!
I love lists, I probably like writing them more than doing the things on the list! Although crossing items off the list feels quite a sense of achievement.

This is a fabulous list and I send to all good wishes in carrying them out. I also wish you joy and happiness every day of the year.

Take care friend!
Warmest hugs
Peggy xxxxx

Tracy said...

"my years always begin in October"...that's me too, and only because I feel the new year really begins in autumn--have always felt this way. My birthday is in December. But I LOVE your list, Relyn. I hope every dream comes true for you. :o) I'll be 40 next year, so a big one looming. On my list, among others, is learning Sanskrit, try metalsmithing and learn to knit socks--at last! I'm slow to visiting we've had some loss recently and only now getting back online. Happy Days, my friend ((HUGS))

Marilyn Miller said...

An amazing list, you inspire me. Laughing because my family thinks I make lists, but they are nothing compared to your lists.

So far my list isn't very long:
1. Travel to places in the US I haven't seen before.
2. Create 4 new sewing patterns for my business, Marmalady's.
3. Finish two more small books on tea.
4. Continue walking at least 4 times a week (2-3 miles)
5. Continue learning photography and Photoshop Element and use what I learn.
6. Put myself in places where I can grow and shine. This is probably the scariest.

Have a great weekend. Off on my regular Friday evening date with my husband.

Anonymous said...
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Hindsfeet said...

hi Relyn : )

thanks so much for this...I'm always so glad when i stop by here...always such an oasis....

my year also "begins" in 39th bday was 10/, I loved the inspiration of this particular list of yours....thanks, as always, for the inspiration you've lent to my life over the past 2 years....

*Two* years....I can hardly believe I've been pal-ing around with you and a few others out here in this bloggy world for that many moments and words shared that gave me pause, or altered my trajectory, or comforted me during dark times, or leant a little light to my path, to my life....

I am not the same woman I would've been had I not "known" you and others out here.....I am on a path i would have missed had I not posted that first post over two years ago....

anyway, grateful for you, just wanted you to know...(and, oh, I can *so* relate to item #18 on your list here...I am such a closet introvert, though no one ever believes that about me...)

wishing you a happy "new year" my friend...hoping it's laced with more love joy and beauty than even you can imagine <3

much love, friend,

Patti said...

ALWAYS love your lists- we are so similar! I SO want to do art journaling and have gone so far to "sign up" for free internet ones but something is holding me back...Same with the Photoshop program. Ahhhhh- need more time (and energy)- I'll put that on my list as well! Happy Sundaying.. and Halloween!


HKatz said...

Excellent list! Many good resolutions...

Among other things I'm hoping to:

1) publish more of my fiction and write regularly, with discipline
2) find a good meaningful job
3) take up more volunteer work
4) learn new recipes
5) travel to a U.S. state or a country I haven't been to before
6) study new subjects off of the Khan Academy website
7) study Judaism (primarily its holy texts) regularly

susanna said...

That's a great list, Relyn. I may have to borrow a few of your ideas and put them on my list (which I have yet to make up). I love that so many of them have to do with your family. Sloane will love looking through her Friday Album. I'm crossing my fingers that one day I'll be one of the two in your #6!

Unknown said...

Wonderful, ambitious list! I'm too uncommitted to write out a list--kinda like New Year's resolutions--I'm afraid I'd feel like a failure if it were a physical list. So I fail to make one....makes perfect no-sense, right???

GailO said...

I love so many things on your list! One I hope to accomplish too for the first time in a long time is to get those Christmas cards out on time!:)

Bee said...

Your lists always inspire me, Relyn. I need a jolt right now; something to make me feel that life is not just happening to me (while I flail, feeling slightly out of control). I'm really going to give this some thought.

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

An ambitious list, Relyn. Me, here it is the last quarter of 'my year' and I have done a lot in the last month--mammo, bone density test--oops, osteoporosis; begin walking 3-4 x a week; meet with an attorney to make a will, advance directive; short holiday with friends in Connecticut. Still to do--apply for social security--very scary; meet with a financial advisor, start dating...

Oldies, but Goodies