Wednesday, February 20, 2013

another 52 lists

Week 1 of the Wednesday Lists, Part 2
I've been missing my 52 lists project.  It took me 121 weeks to complete a 52 week project, but I love every list.  I've been wanting to take up my Wednesday Lists again.  When I saw that Moorea Seal had a similar idea, I knew I was in.  Welcome to my newest 52 lists project. Care to join me? 

Words that touch my soul, inspire me, and remind me of who I am

*prayer  gratitude  Sloane  love tenderness * passion * hymns * Jeffrey * independence * song * affection * blue * creed * kiss * music * whisper friend * dance * imagine * fire * memory * capture * peace * journey * America * touch * contentment * Father, Savior, Friend * compassion * Jesus * live* hallelujah worship* mother * laughter * holy * abundance * magnify * read * magic * poem * sanctuary * art * It is well * create * words * dream * soldier * servant * gift * daughter * teach * listen * learn * curiosity * Yet God... * family * question * alive* freedom * "My sin, oh the bliss of this glorious thought.  My sin, not in part, but the whole, was nailed to the cross and I bear it no more." * love *

The picture above is a Degas sculpture with a Monet in the background.  I took it at the St. Louis Art museum in 2010.  It is one of my favorite pictures.


Jeanne said...

Blessings I love your beautiful words............Blessings

Our niece has done illustrations on a new children's book out the link is on my blog. Love Jeanne

Tracy said...

This was sweet, Relyn! My favorite is LOVE. ;o) ((HUGS))

Marilyn Miller said...

I can see why it would be one of your favorite photos. It immediately took me to a very special museum in Paris where both artists reside.

Your lists are always so special. Many of the same words touch my soul.

alexa said...

Such s lot of lovely words in your list - and the photo is wonderful. I love the view from the back.

allisondegeorge said...

love your photo and your words

they do touch, inspire, and remind...

one of my favorites....sanctuary.....

Cindy said...

Hi Reylyn, i love your lists, lots of these words I would just smile for I knew they would be there for you. hugs dear friend.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

thanks for the compliment on my icon. i chose this post to comment because the words are all wonderful.. and so is that sweet face on the other blog.

Lisa Gordon said...

Beautiful choices for words, Relyn, and a perfect photograph to go with them.

Victoria Bennett Beyer said...

That IS a great photo. What a nice place you have here :)

Jennifer Richardson said...

i love your list.
and your heart:)

Terra said...

I've been thinking of listing some favorite words on my blog, and now I see you have already done that. Kiss, music, hymns, this reads like poetry.
I am your new follower.

Oldies, but Goodies