Friday, June 7, 2013

Friday Faves

  * Best Moment: Wednesday afternoon when Mom texted me that she is entirely cancer free.  God is so very, very good!

* Great Read: Divergent by Veronica Roth.  I just read it again and loved it just as much the second time.

* Funniest Moment: This morning Jeffrey managed to dump a bunch of water on his head from a stinky trash can.   Long story, but absolutely hilarious.  I was gulping and gasping and snorting.  I haven't stopped laughing all morning. 

* Something to Make: a personalized casserole dish for potlucks

* Terrific Tip: how to get spilled nail polish off a tiled floor

* Images of the Week: The Power of the Wind by Nikaa

* Anticipating: This July we are taking a road trip to Oregon.  We're going to Mt. Rushmore, Glacier National Park, the Oregon Coast, Denver, the dog hotel, and all sorts of other goodies.

* A Song: You by Fisher

* Quote of the Week: "Winning is for the moment.  Better is forever.~ Helen Park, Chopped season 14 contestant

* PINspiration: Homemade Life by Deborah Parsons 

* Film Fancies: Alma by Bissigo Rico

  * To Make You Happy: I'm Yours

* BLOGspiration: This blog, Crystal Wilkerson Designs, is cram packed with colorful creativity.

* In Case You Missed It: Five Minutes of Silence

Happy weekend, friends. 


Debby said...

Wonderful news about your mother. Omg about the trash water.

Suz said...

loved your list
and one the scariest things I've ever done is go up that arch in that tiny elevator....
thought I'd die
and looking over...yikes

Jeanne said...

Love your postings
Love you

Anonymous said...

Praise God regarding the good news for your mother! I love your Friday Faves. This week my favorite was the Pinterest link and "Five Minutes of Silence".

Shaista said...

So happy to read that first line about your mother! May she continue to be well xxx

S. Etole said...

Wonderful news regarding your mother. And that is a stunning photo.

Unknown said...

These were such great comments and a hearty congratulations to your mother. Oregon!! I love, love Oregon. We drove along the coast last year and it is so beautiful. I just know you are going to have a wonderful time. And...Glacier of the most beautiful places we have seen. Can't wait to hear more after the trip.

Mrs. E said...

So happy to hear about your mother. I have thought of you often. And I loved the Divergent series, too! Your summer trip sounds wonderful.

Roban said...

There are so many good things on your list. First, a big Yay for your mom. God IS good. I have Divergent but haven't read it yet. It may be next on my list. (I just read The Pact by Picoult.... I usually don't read her books for some reason, but it was lying around. Good.)

Loved the link to the "wind" photo. The link to the creative blog... yes. Now I need an Epson printer though. And your trip sounds like so much fun.

Anonymous said...

What brilliant news about your mother! I am so very, very happy for you all.

And: Oregon! lucky y'all. If you're going through Glacier National Park, check out the Izaak Walton hotel. It's really special. I think you can just go there for a cup of coffee in the restaurant.


Tracy said...

Such wonderful news about your Mom--Relyn! So glad for all of you. :o) And fun news about your upcoming travels. A road trip is good for summer! Happy Days ((HUGS))

Marilyn Miller said...

Your lists always make me smile. Thrilled to hear about your mom, loved the Alma video, and being serenaded by a ukelele singing little one.

alexa said...

So delighted to read the top one on your list :). And off to explore those lovely sounding links - thank-you!

LaTonya Baldwin said...

Glad to hear the news.

HKatz said...

I'm so happy to hear your mom is cancer free and recovering from her surgery. That's such awesome news. Hugs to you!

Oldies, but Goodies