Wednesday, March 11, 2015

shop parrot

in Savannah, Georgia
A single photo capturing a simple moment.  
A reminder to slow down our always busy lives and to savor this moment. 


Mac n' Janet said...

Beautiful photo. We had a parrot once, his name was Paco Con Carne. Never could get him to talk.

Jeanie said...

He's beautiful!

alexa said...

What splendid detail and such bright colours ... isn't nature wonderful!

Jennifer Richardson said...

You savor like you mean business.
I mean you live life in such
a savory way.
Always inspired here.

HKatz said...

I love the colors and the intelligent look in its eye :) Great photo.

I also read a really wise, compassionate blog post recently written by a teacher and I thought of you. It's about why thinking of students as simply "lazy" is often a terrible idea. Anyway, I wanted to share it with you:

Jeanne said...

Gorgeous parrot.
Thanks for all you share
Love Jeanne

Oldies, but Goodies